(Original on www.kaizers.no, Text backup here)

Kaizers Orchestra have seriously started plodding through new material. One shouldn't treat the fourth album lightly either!

Kaizernews got hold of Rune Mink Kaizers while he was about to get some water for a new load of black gold - from the coffee maker out to thirsty band members.

- What is actually happening in that phase you are in at the moment?

- This is just like we have always worked. What we do is collect some new songs, go into the studio, learn the songs there and record a rough version, like the songwriters thought it to be. Then we mix the songs as good as possible and listen to them, everybody for himself. In the next phase, we decide which songs we judge to be good enough to keep, and in the next pass, there are often some changes to the first rough idea. Most of our songs have gone through many phases and have had a fairly different expression before they became what they became. We are always hunting for the biggest potential of a song, to put it like that.

- You rarely have "normal" band practices, don't you like to practice?

- Actually, we practiced this whole week before the Cementen gig. We have collected so many such demo-level songs that it's time to settle them a bit better now, before we really go into the studio. But well, opinions about practicing differ. I'm probably the one who likes it best, for the others it's more somewhere between fun and stress. But it's pretty important work, we agree on that.

- Will there be more practicing up to the recordings?

- We hope we'll do the recordings in September, approximately, so we should get something up before then, but especially Janove has the idea that we shouldn't become too good either. That the nerve of a little uncertainness about how the song should be is a good thing. There's different opinions on that as well, but people can practice at home if they want to.

- How will the new record turn out in relation to those we have heard...

- Now the Tedda is calling for coffee here, so I'll need to get some water. Talk to you later!

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2007/5/7: Practices in Stavanger