(Original on www.kaizers.no, Text backup here)

Finally Kaizers Orchestra can be experienced as they are best. The best of all live band will finally release a live album. On March 6, the double album "Live at Vega" will come to a shop near you. A 24 song collection covering the whole Kaizer career!

Last year's big "Maestro Tour 05" was a formerly unreached success history for the oil barrel misusers from Western Norway. The tour lasted three months, including ten countries and 65 concerts, and lifted the band up to new heights. At the Vega concert hall in Copenhagen, the band had played for a full house (1400 people) five times already in the years before, and when the nightliner rolled in on the morning of October 5, Copenhagen's big hall had two more sold out Kaizers concerts on the list. The concert on October 6 was recorded and filmed. This is the concert that will as a whole be released on this live album.

- Why October 6 from Vega, actually?

- We thought we should do it in a little impudent way, Janove "The Jackal" Kaizer explains.

- Instead of taking it safe and recording many concerts in order to put a collection of the best versions on a live album, we decided to put all our eggs in one basket and work hard for ONE big concert from one of our favorite concert places. It was also important to us that it should be outside of Norway so that people can get to see how things are going for us abroad. Since we have build up a really stable live-reputation over the last years, we found out that the only right thing would be to convey the Kaizer experience through a complete concert, from the beginning till the end, so that it is possible to follow the progress and atmosphere in real time, just like it is experienced in the hall. So it's either bear it or break, but in any case you'll get the real Kaizers experience here.
This was the vision, and that's what we did. We are extremely satisfied with the result.

- There will also be a DVD from this concert, what can you say about that?

- We got some questions from our attentive fans about why we release the same live material on the album and on the DVD, and I can gladly explain why we do that. The thing is that the two formats are completely different things, with very different areas of use. All statistics show that a live album is much more popular than a live DVD, so this is why we need to make the live material available on CD for the record-buying audience that prefers the CD format. That's how simple it is. The DVD, on the other hand, is actually a completely different product, and that's also why it got another name, it is called "Viva La Vega". And even though both products contain the same concert, the DVD has a Dolby Surround 5.1 mix instead of the stereo mix of the album. Additionally, there is almost two hours of extra material on the DVD. A 40 minute documentation about "the making of Maestro", a half-hour program about the wild Prekestol stunt during by:Larm in Stavanger in 2004 [translator's remark: 2005], a crazy little tour documentation, additionally to the videos, biography and picture slideshow from the Vega concerts. The DVD also has both English and German subtitles [yeah!] for people who might not speak Norwegian, so this is a really worthy and totally unique product for Kaizers Orchestra.

- The album will be out March 3 [6?!?], how about the DVD?

- It will be ready in spring, we hope for April.

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2006/2/14: Live Extravagance!