(Original on www.kaizers.no, Text backup here)

For the 15th time in five years, Kaizers Orchestra bank on filling up Oslo's big hall, and get the floor to shake worse than ever before. This time the occasion is the tour finale and no less Rockefeller's 20 years anniversary!

- Like most bands in Norway we always had a special relation to Rockefeller, even long before we played there ourselves. We have always followed up on who was coming there, and if they had sold out and read concert reviews and such things, even though we lived in Bergen, were poor students and didn't actually have access to the concerts. Rockefeller has always been the premise-supplier and barometer for how big a band or an artist is in Norway, Geir Kaizer explains. It was hard work to get there ourselves, you could say.

- Do you remember the first time you played there?

- We have played there 14 times, so it is difficult to separate the different concerts, actually. What I remember best about the gig in March 2002 was probably all that happened beforehand. The last concerts we had done alone (which means without the Morten Abel support jobs in Spektrum) in Oslo before that were in the fall of 2001, when we filled up So What and Mono in the same week, and to take it a step up and go Rockefeller level was a very daring strategy, we felt, and of course we were terribly nervous before if people would come. After the happy news about a good advance sale had come in from our booking man Olavsen, we just had to go for it. Since then we have had some of our best live moments at Rockefeller. It is one of our favorite places to play in Europe, the place has its own atmosphere, and this has a lot to do with the audience also, of course. It's really great.

- Can we say you're looking forward?

- Definitely!

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2006/2/14: Finishing the European tour at Rockefeller March 27