(Original on www.kaizers.no, Text backup here)
On the day before the European tour starts, Blitzregn is the second most played video on Svisj."The video shows how people react to our shows around Europe and it is great that more than just we ourselves like that", a good-humored Øyvind Thunder Kaizers says while he hurries to the tour bus. "We have also done normal videos before, where we need 24 hours to shoot them and freeze half to death before we are done. But this shooting was over in 3 minutes, so here you get the real things, totally un-edited, the way it is. This is the best!" That's what he managed to say before the bus headed out of Oslo with Berlin as the next stop.
Svisj is based on SMS votings, so you just need to continue voting now to get the song to number 1!