
Background information about the song:

The devil interrupts the story and speaks up. He emerges from the scenes and reveals himself to Violeta, because he considers it necessary. Yes, he exists, and therefore there is no point in either believing or doubting that anymore. Instead, one should rather start realizing a few things, right away. The Devil is offended by Beatrice, who is treading her own paths, choosing her own destiny, and thus defying his auspices. He tried to get through to her, but gets no response, so therefore he tries to go through Violeta instead, as a last resort. He asks her to tell her mother that she must start to comply. This is his show. If you don't obey the Devil, it might easily happen that your last hour is preponed ...


Funeral polka

All rise! Ja det er meg. Thank you, thank y....All rise! Yes, it is me. Thank you, thank y...
Jo det er meg.Oh yes, it is me.
Det er ikkje lenger snakk om å truIt's no longer a question of faith
Det er nok heller tid for å innsjå et par tingInstead, it's probably time to realize a few things
Ta for eksempel for 14 år si, då du blei fødtFor example, 14 years ago, when you were born
Kem trur du var der? Eg seier ikkje meirWho do you think was there? That's all I'm going to say
Det er bare i begynnelsen og slutten av ditt livOnly at the beginning and the end of your life
at eg glimrer med mitt nærvær, yes SirI am notably present, yes Sir
Så koffor trur du at eg er her? For å bli underholdt? Nei.So why do you think I'm here? To be entertained? No.
For å bli forstått? Ja.To be understood? Yes.
Du må ta meg på mitt ord.You must take me at my word.
Det er ikkje din fars bror du skal vær reddIt's not your father's brother you should be scared of
Tvert imot det er di mor. OoohOn the contrary, it's your mother. Oooh
For det er ikkje din drøm du leverBecause you are not living your own dream
Og ditt mareritt, det er ikkje ditt, det er di mor sittAnd your nightmare, it's not yours, it's your mother's
Ja det er på meg du skal dra kjenselYes, I'm the one you should recognize
når eg stryker deg ut med min penselwhen I erase you with my brush
Denne polka, det er denne du blei folk avThis polka is what taught you how to be
Hu du blei født av, gav deg gleden og smerten i ditt livWho gave birth to you, gave you joy and pain in your life
Denne polka, denne får du aldri nok avThis polka, you will never get enough of it
Av denne sangen er du kommetYou came from this song
til denne sangen skal du bliyou will become this song
Nei, nok om meg. La oss snakke litt om degNo, enough about me. Let's talk about you
Kva syns du om meg?What do you think about me?
For det er ikkje sikkert du har tenkt på megYou might not have thought of me
like ofte som eg har tenkt på degas often as I have thought of you
Har du tenkt på det?Have you thought about that?
Bare tenk så mange gonger eg har sett det for megJust think how many times I've imagined that
visualisert og regisert din siste timevisualized and directed your last hour
Nei, eg kan ikkje noe for detNo, I cannot help it
Det er min naturIt's my nature
Eg legger mi sjel i detI put my soul into it
Både du og meg har sett koss din vei blir lagt nerBoth you and I have seen how your path has been laid out
Kva har mor di sin fing med dette her å gjer?How does your mother have a finger in the pie here?
Eg bestemmer tid og sted og lukt og fargespelI decide on the time and place and smell and color scheme
på alle som eg har sverga at det kunne bli folk avfor all for which I have sworn that they could turn out right


Background information about the song:

Beatrice has reversed depression and passivity to passion and vivid drive. She must make up for seven years of inactivity and is eager to put things in place. She visits her old friend and maid of honor, Cecilia I. Velur, who introduced her to Kenneth back in the time, and confronts her with this "deceit". The devil watches all of this from his place behind the scenes, but then he jumps in to remind Beatrice that, despite her abilities, she's inferior to him, and that she cannot teach him about lies and betrayal ...


The maid of honor

Eg vett ei som går over lik på sin veiI know someone who walks over dead bodies on her way
Ikkje tru et sekund eg ikkje ser degDon't believe for a second that I don't see you
Du er svart i ditt blikk sjølv om ditt hår er blondtYour glare is dark even though your hair is blond
Dine ord av velur syns eg ingenting omI don't think much of your words of velvet
Historie veier visst for lett for degHistory seems to weigh easy for you
Og din glorie er ikkje av gull, spør du megAnd your halo is not golden, if you ask me
Fekk eg ett ønske oppfyllt av ei heks eller av kongenIf I got one wish fulfilled by a witch or the King
sko eg ønskt at eg fekk oppleva alt sammen om igjenI would wish that I got to experience everything all over again
Du er min forloverYou're my maid of honor
Du lover meir enn du holderYou promise more than you live up to
Ja nå får me sjå kva du tålerWell, now we will get to see what you can handle
Eg kommer mens du soverI'll come by while you are sleeping
med glitter og med et bittert smil om min munnwith glitter and with a bitter smile around my mouth
sitter eg ved di seng og hyler som en hundI'll sit at your bed and howl like a dog
Det er konfetti i luftå i kveldThere is confetti in the air tonight
og stjerner blinker farveland stars are flashing goodbye
Du vett, Djevelen er en sjarmørYou know, the Devil is a charmer
Men nå er du passasjer og eg din sjåførBut now you are the passenger and I'm your chauffeur
Du lover møje meir enn du kan holdaYou promise much more than you can live up to
Ikkje lær meg om løgn og om svikDon't teach me about lies and betrayal
Eg spaserer med deg over likI walk with you over dead bodies
i fullt dagslys, eg er ikkje en snikin broad daylight, I'm not a sneak
Ditt liv er fattigt og mitt er riktYour life is poor and mine is abundant
Husk eg var der då du blei fødtRemember that I was there when you were born
og eg skal vær der når du dørand I will be there when you die
Så, min forlover, har du det bra?So, my maid of honor, are you ok?
Fortell koss du sover, og kva slags drømmer du harTell me how you are sleeping, and what kind of dreams you have
Sei meg Cecilia I. VelurTell me, Cecilia I. Velur
Kem trur du nå det er...Who do you now think it is ...
Kem trur du nå det er sin turWho do you now think is next in line
Eg ser deg med brorenI see you with the brother
og meg med mitt barnand me with my child
Eg ser en Djevel og minI see a Devil and my
mann med hanhusband with him
Så kva skal du tru på?So what should you believe in?
Og kem kan du spør?And who can you ask?
Eg bare prikker deg på din skulder ogI just tap you on the shoulder and
du kan snu deg når du tørryou can turn around if you dare
Du er min forloverYou're my maid of honor
Du lover meir enn du holderYou promise more than you live up to

Aldri vodka, Violeta

Background information about the song:

Father and daughter are out in the big world after having run from home seven years ago. Life on the run has become everyday life. The two are still getting along pretty well, but Violeta started to ask more questions about the past, the present, and the future. She is now 14 years old and tries to form a clearer picture of who she is, where she comes from, and what awaits her later in her life. She is confused, gets mixed signals, and feels a constantly stronger connection to her mother. At the same time, Kenneth sticks to his version of Beatrice as crazy, and he feeds Violeta with warnings. Like, for instance, that she must never touch the vodka that her mother drank and that ruined her. Kenneth receives a letter that he hides from Violeta, but Violeta is familiar with the content anyway. Kenneth's brother, Corvino, has been released from prison, and now he wants to meet up. Violeta realizes that this has to do with her, that she is involved, but she doesn't fully understand how ...

Aldri vodka, Violeta

Never vodka, Violeta

V spør om tid kan endre altV asks if time can change everything
Ting som kommer, ting som har værtThings that come, things that have been
Om svart kan bli kvitt og så svart igjenIf black can turn white and then black again
Og tar du sted med i evalueringenAnd if you take location into account
i såfall, er me på rett stedin that case, are we in the right location
Og vil du ta meg med deg uansett kva som skjerAnd will you take me with you no matter what happens
Men du må sjå fram eller sjå bakBut you have to look forward or look back
For nå går du som i blinde. Som i blindeBecause right now you walk in the blind. In the blind
Og du, me kan godt sjå bak i lagAnd hey, we may well look back together
Men ikkje før tiå er inne.But not before the time is right.
Tiå er inne. Hu er inneThe time is right. It's right
og gamle minner vinnerand old memories win
Før då alt var fryd og alt var vinBack then when all was joy and all was wine
Blomsterkransen min var dinWhen my floral wreath was yours
Og tiå alltid stod heilt stilleAnd time was always standing still
Og månen stirte oss i senk med sitt synAnd the moon stared us into the ground with its look
Me budde på landetWe used to live in the country
det tok en time til bynit took an hour to get to the city
Åh, for et bildeOh, what a sight
Men du, me kan godt sjå bak i lagBut hey, we may well look back together
Men ikkje før tiå er inneBut not before the time is right.
Tiå er inneThe time is right
Hold fast mi hånd far, ta ett skritt om gongenHold my hand tight, dad, take one step at a time
så går me så lenge eg har luft igjen i ballongenand then we'll walk as long as there's still air in my balloon
så finner me bror din og før kvelden er ommethen we'll find your brother, and before the night is over
er ingen gamle tanker vondeno old thoughts are bad
Men Violeta. Det har du godt av å vite, di morBut Violeta. There's something you should know. Your mother
hun bobla over for ingentingShe used to blow up over nothing
Beatrice har bare krutt. Hu har ingen lunteBeatrice has just gunpowder. She has no fuse
Åh men Violeta. Når du som er hennes kjøtt og nas blodOh but Violeta. If you, since you are her flesh and blood
kjenner det bobler for et skjeivt ordFeel your blood boiling because of a wrong word
ikkje drikk vodka då V, bare lov megdon't drink vodka then, V, just promise me
lov megpromise me
Ikkje drikk vodka når det bobler i degDon't drink vodka when your blood is boiling
Men du er jo meir sånn som meg enn som morBut actually, you're more like me than like your mother
Det er ingen bobler i ditt blodYour blood never starts to boil
Hu er en, me er toShe is one, we are two
Det er sant du har fått di mors smilIt's true that you've got your mother's smile
Det er fintWhich is nice
Men ditt hjerta er mittBut your heart is mine
Hu har sitt, og me har ettShe got hers, and we have one
Men aldri, aldri drikk vodka VioletaBut never, never drink vodka Violeta


Background information about the song:

"When Violeta was born, Beatrice was pregnant with twins. One of the girls was stillborn. Violeta was never told that she had a twin, nevertheless, she has always felt related to a mirror image of herself. A person who is just like her, but who has her own life. Violeta and her twin have grown up on each their own side of life. One has a physical life, while the other has a non-palpable. Or, as Kenneth calls it, "a polaroid life". What Violeta believed to be a reflection of herself turns out to be contact, despite the barriers, between the two. When Violeta confronts her mother with the question if her twin really exists, she gets a counter question as answer. How do you define "real"? The question and the answer change and give different results, depending on when the question is asked ...



Er det meg eller er det deg eg ser på?Is it me or is it you I'm looking at?
Det er vanskeligere å sei når det ikkje går an å ta påThis is harder to tell if it's not possible to touch
Du må vær mi søster for hvis ikkje så...You must be my sister because otherwise ...
Eg ser du promenerer akkurat som megI see you promenade just like me
Eg ser du ballanserer akkurat som megI see you balance just like me
Hør, du argumenterer akkurat som eg gjordeListen, you argue just like I did
Som på min, har du en ring på din fingJust like I do, you have a ring on your finger
Du er så rask, kan forsvinne i en vindYou are so quick, you can disappear in a breeze
Koffor har ingen fortalt eg har en tvillingWhy did nobody tell me that I have a twin
Som går som megWho walks like me
Og snakker som megAnd speaks like me
Som ser ut som megWho looks like me
Og ler som eg loAnd laughs like I laughed
Er dette meg eller er det deg eg ser på nå?Is this me or is it you I'm looking at right now?
Sei meg morTell me, mother
Var det kun meg eller var me ikkje to?Was it just me, or were we not two?
Er det kun mine ordAre those just my words
Eller kunne me sagt de i kor?Or could we have said them in unison?
Eg ser meg sjølv gjer ting som eg aldri har gjort førI see myself do things that I've never done before
Heilt uvirkelige ting som eg aldri hadde trudd at eg tørEntirely unreal things that I would have never thought that I dare
Tør du å svare hvis eg tør å spør?Dare you answer if I dare to ask?
En gong skal det nok bli vår turAt some point in time, it will probably be our turn
Det løftet står risset i en fengselsmurThat promise is etched in a prison wall
Det står meg pluss deg for alltidIt says that it is me plus you forever
Ingen andre kan leva ditt liv enn duNo one else can live your life but you
Cecilia I. VelurCecilia I. Velur
Spør du meg nå må du vær sikker påIf you ask me now, you must be sure
at du tåler å høre det svaret du fårthat you can bear to hear the response that you get
For det er for seint når det er forsnakketBecause it will be too late when it is slipped
Illusjonen din er kanskje ødelagtYour illusion might be destroyed
Men spør du meg igjen neste årBut if you ask me again next year
og eg kan stå her og du står der du stårand I can stand here and you stand where you stand now
Du kjenner meg ikkje igjenYou won't recognize me
ikkje eg deg heller dåand I won't recognize you either then
kan det vær et heilt annet svar du fåryou might get an entirely different response
Men tid er så mangt, bare tenk deg omBut there is so much time, just think about it
I et maleri, er det tid inni sånt?In a painting, does time exist in something like that?
Frys et skund for evighetenFreeze a second for eternity
så kaller du det kunst, eller sannhetenand then you call it art, or truth
Minnene dine er som bilder i en filmYour memories are like pictures in a movie
du ser om og om igjenthat you see again and again
De fester seg som limThey stick like glue
Nå står du utenfor og ser innNow you are standing outside and looking in
og så spør du meg om det er deg du serand you ask me if it's you that you are seeing
eller tvillingen dinor your twin

Det polaroide liv

Background information about the song:

Kenneth had a vision. In the middle of the day, he saw what he surely believes is Violeta's ghost, thus a dead Violeta. A frightening and disturbing vision. He has nothing but contempt and skepticism for any kind of superstition and supernatural phenomena. He does not believe in any of that, but at the same time, he has seen impossible and unexplainable things, both with Beatrice and Violeta. He gets frustrated and stressed, and he wonders if he's about to get crazy, or if it is just Beatrice who is fucking with his head. Therefore, he subjects her to harassment and rude accusations. As he puts it: "I've never seen you shed a tear for me, or for us. What have you done for us?"

Det polaroide liv

The polaroid life

Eg har hørt om sju års ulykkaI've heard about seven years of bad luck
Om knuste speil og utroskapAbout smashed mirrors and adultery
Den tredje etter bryllupsdagThe third after the wedding day
og all slags overtruisk faenskapand all kinds of superstitious work of the devil
Men eg har aldri. Eg har aldriBut I have never. I have never
sett deg felle ei tåre for megseen you shed a tear for me
etter alt eg har gjort for degafter all I've done for you
eller for ossor for us
Kva har du gjort for oss?What have you done for us?
Eg har hørt om ditt støv og sandI've heard about your dust and sand
Eg har hørt om dine tegnI've heard about your signs
Eg skal hilse frå min mann og seiMy man says hello and that
i morgen blir det regnthere will be rain tomorrow
I morgenTomorrow
Har du hørt om min Corvino mannHave you heard of my Corvino man
Har du merka deg hans navnDid you mark his name
Din drøm blir til et mareritt når du har helst på hanYour dream will turn into a nightmare when you have said hello to him
I morgenTomorrow
Du stod rett framfor meg som etYou stood right in front of me like a
halvframkalt polaroidhalf developed polaroid
Eg spaserte rett igjønå degI walked right through you
og ditt polaroide livand your polaroid life
Ikkje fortell at eg ikkje såg det eg vett eg sågDon't tell me that I didn't see what I know I saw
Ikkje fortell meg om ting som ingen andre forstårDon't tell me about things that no one else understands
For det har vært et heilt forferdelig årBecause this has been an absolutely terrible year
Åh Satan så seint tiå av og til gårOh Satan, how slowly the time tends to pass sometimes
Men eg kan sverga. Eg kan svergaBut I can swear. I can swear
at du stod der ithat you stood there in
stod der i foyeen krittkvit som et likstood in the foyer, white as chalk, like a corpse
Nesten som et halvframkalt polaroidAlmost like a half developed polaroid
Er eg paranoid?Am I paranoid?
Eg spaserte rett gjønå deg og ditt liv!I walked right through you and your life!

Siste dans

Background information about the song:

The devil took special interest in Beatrice and Violeta. He realizes that they are not like usual people, and he is both fascinated and frightened by the fact that they possess qualities that he himself, until now, has had the monopoly on. He thought he had Beatrice under control, because he was the one who gave her a gentle push into life so that she should take up the hunt for her husband and daughter. He feels that they have a bond of trust where he is the superior. However, she turns out to be hard to steer, so he changes strategy and starts to dance up on Violeta, to reach Beatrice. To her, he appears as a life-affirming charmer who encourages Violeta to live life and seize the opportunities it offers. He caters to her and baits her with lovers in Paradise if she dolls up with braids like the girls in Paris ...

Siste dans

Last Dance

Du må skru på sjarmenYou must turn on your charm
Hopp ned fra vinduskarmenJump down from the windowsill
og dans med meg på din veiand dance with me on your way
Hold deg fast i armen når en djevel danser seintHold onto my arm when a devil dances slowly
og blåser støv av deg og ditt skinn og beinand blows dust off you and your skin and bones
Kan eg få by på en siste dansCan I offer one last dance
Før du får hjertestansBefore your heart stops
Med en sommerfugl i magenWith a butterfly in your stomach
Spring å få luft under vingene på dragenRun to get air under the wings of the kite
Kyss en prins og dansKiss a prince and dance
Legg deg i armen hansLie in his arms
La deg forføre av en røverLet yourself be seduced by a robber
Eg har plukket en sekskløverI've picked a six-leaf clover
Eg er enI am one
De andre er femThe others are five
Kan eg få sette på deg min blomsterkransCan I put my flower wreath on you
Som eg har plukket når eg gikk hagelangsThat I picked when I walked along the garden
Og med deg i mine tankerAnd with you in my thoughts
Er det presanger som vankerPresents are waiting
Med fletter som jentene i ParisWith braids like the girls in Paris
og kjærester på benkene i Paradisand lovers on the benches in Paradise
Enden er ikkje så langt vekkeThe end isn't so far away
Alle går bak meg i lang rekkeEveryone walks behind me in a long row
Og eg går fremstAnd I'm in the front
Eg går framfor kem som helstI'm in front of anyone

Markedet bestemmer

Background information about the song:

Together with Violeta, the brothers Kenneth and Corvino are headed for Lahore, Pakistan, and the market there, which is known for selling everything from truffles to eternal youth and yellow and green smaragd. One person swears that he has seen three-headed dogs there. Corvino has contacts in the market that will pay a whole lot of money for a young girl with the kind of abilities that Violeta possesses. Kenneth has really been in doubt. He feels that he is in big debt to his brother, after having ratted on him and generally having let him down that time, many years ago, so that he doesn't have a choice. Violeta has started to take more and more after her mother anyway, and when she smiles, he sees her mother instead. Kenneth has started to lose control over her. Violeta, on the other hand, has gotten her mother's ring from Corvino. With the ring on her finger, her dreams are clearer and her visions more explicit. She notices that first and foremost, she has been the victim of manipulation by her father, not love. It dawns on her that the emptiness she has been feeling is actually the longing for her mother ...

Markedet bestemmer

The market decides

Lang natts seilas til SingaporeA long night's sea voyage to Singapore
Me skal gjer furore på markedet i LahorWe will make a splash on the market in Lahore
For svarte katter smyger rundt mi datterBecause black cats sneak up around my daughter
Snart bader me i østens skatterSoon we will wallow in eastern treasures
Mmm Markedet bestemmerMmm the market decides
Følg ditt instinkt og ta det som det kommerFollow your instincts and take it as it comes
Hør lyden av fløytå til en slangetemmerHear the sound of a snake charmer's flute
Det er ikkje opp til ossIt's not up to us
for markedet bestemmerthe market decides
Men når eg drømmer er livet som det kunne værtBut when I'm dreaming, life is as it could be
om me to var sammenif we two were together
For det kan de aldri ta fra megBecause they can never take that away from me
Gud vett at de har prøvdGod knows they've tried
men ditt nærvær er fortsatt sterktbut your presence is still strong
Og når eg drømmer...And when I'm dreaming ...
Alt svever fint forbi, eg glemmer sted eg glemmer tidEverything floats by elegantly, I forget the place, I forget the time
For når eg drømmer...Because when I'm dreaming ...
Ingen kan ta fra meg det eg ser i drømmeNo one can take what I see in my dreams away from me
Og du har lovt at en dag skal me dra her ifraAnd you promised that one day we'll leave from here
Og om et speil kan ta så feil, då må alt vær et bedragAnd if a mirror can be so wrong, then everything must be a deception
Og ordå som du sa til meg i drømmane du planta for megAnd the words that you said to me in the dreams that you planted for me
Løfta meg opp, ut av min kroppLifted me up, out of my body
til degto you
Og når eg våkner, eg blir vekket kver morgen, av et svart savnAnd when I wake up, I'm woken every morning of a black deprivation
Og når du mangler...And when you are missing ...
Det er som å bli holdt i hjertet av en svart ravnIt's like your heart being held captive by a black raven
Og ordå som du sa til meg i drømmane du planta for megAnd the words that you said to me in the dreams that you planted for me
Løfta meg opp, ut av min kropp, til degLifted me up, out of my body, to you

Satan i halsen

Background information about the song:

Violeta has fled from the brothers and found back to the house where they once lived. When she enters the house, she is bombarded with impressions and old memories, and she sees the former family life and her mother's life out in the world, passing by in a chaotic cabaret inside her own head. The Devil emerges out of the scenes and lures her with the only thing her father always insisted so strongly on that she must never try, namely the vodka that is standing on the organ, upstairs in the attic. The devil is a charmer, her father has been a manipulator and liar, so why not try to wet the lips with a few of the shiny drops ...

Satan i halsen

Satan in your throat

Edle dråper kan trygt nytes av den vanlige mannFine drops can be safely enjoyed by the common man
Den skal vær forsiktig som har boblende blod i sin armBut those with boiling blood in their veins should be careful
Det finnes ikkje maken, eller tilsvarende forførende vannThere's nothing alike, or equally tempting waters
Prøv å stå imot om du kan, men eg lover deg det går ikkje anTry to resist if you can, but I promise you it won't work
Det ville vært totalt uansvarlig, og det reinskårne galskapIt would be totally irresponsible and sheer lunacy
å vurdere å fukte leppa med de blanke dråper fra flaskåto consider wetting the lip with the shiny drops from the bottle
som mi mor har gjømt, mor har gjømtthat my mother has hidden, mother has hidden
På loftet, på bildet av oss treUp in the attic, on the picture of the three of us
med flaska skrudd fast av orgelfingrerthe bottle screwed tight by organ fingers
med avtrykk av en ring på en fingwith the imprint of a ring on a finger
en peike sådana forefinger actually
en ring, minner eg oma ring which, I remind you
som nå tilhører en ravnnow belongs to a raven
Det skinner så blankt. Svelg og sjå altIt shines so gleamingly. Swallow and see everything
Sju blå fioler. Heng de om din halsSeven blue violets. Put them around your neck
Det brenner så varmt. Blod bobler i din armIt burns so hot. Blood is boiling in your veins
Ei stripe måneskinn. Sola fryser kaldtA strip of moonlight. The sun is freezing
I sju lange og sju vonde har eg hørt om blod som koaguleresFor seven long and seven bad have I heard about blood that coagulates
orgel som studeresorgans that are studied
speil som pulveriseresmirrors that are pulverized
Og tar det onde grep, VioletaAnd if you take the evil grip, Violeta
Der du før holdt fast, blir der som det brastWhere you used to hold on will be where it burst
og som en villhest blir du sendt nådelaust i bakkenand like a wild horse, you will be thrown to the ground mercilessly
Og alt som er kjent blir satt på ventAnd all that is known is put on hold
Alt som er kjent blir satt på ventAll that is known is put on hold
Ta denne sjangsen. Spinn hjulet mens du kanTake this chance. Spin the wheel while you can
Det går et krater i valsen, av strupens tørre sangThere is a crater in the waltz, caused by the throat's dry song
Kom inn i transen. Den stryker deg på langsGet into the trance. It rubs you the right way
Du har satan i halsen. Nå er du hans barnYou have satan in your throat. Now you are his child

Perfekt i en drøm

Background information about the song:

Mother and daughter have floated, hand in hand, down from a thousand-story building in Tokyo. They never hit the ground, but disappear in a flash and finally reunite with the twin, the other Violeta, who led a parallel life on the other side. She is picked up through a window and steps out on a long branch and sits down in a huge top hat together with her mother and Violeta. Here she presents the other side. They get a thousand wishes fulfilled, and everything falls into place. All the stars are in the right position, because everything is perfect in a dream ...

Perfekt i en drøm

Perfect in a dream

Et tre strekker greiner inn ditt vinduA tree sticks its branches in through your window
Du går ut i den blå nattYou go out into the blue night
og setter deg med megand sit down with me
og glir ut i en svart hattand slide out into a black hat
Du smykker deg med månenYou decorate yourself with the moon
som ei perle henger han der rundt din halsit is hanging around your neck like a pearl
Du vrikker deg i bålet som en flammeYou twist in the bonfire like a flame
på St. Hansat midsummer
Er verden blitt gal eller er det bare meg?Has the world gone mad or is it just me?
Den er vakrere nå enn han noen gong var før eg traff degIt's more beautiful now than it ever was before I met you
Du ser tusen stjerner skyter ut, og du får tusen ønsker oppfyltYou see thousands of stars shoot out, and you get a thousand wishes fulfilled
Og alle du har kjent, og alle som du vil bli kjent med kommer utAnd everyone you've known and everyone you'd like to get to know comes out
Du plukker sola ned, som en konfekt med appelsin smaker skjøntYou pick the sun down, like an orange praline tastes good
Og du lukker dine øyelokk, for alt er perfekt i en drømAnd you close your eyelids, because everything is perfect in a dream
Du håper du aldri våknerYou hope you never wake up
Er død som å være i en drøm?Is death like being in a dream?
Snakker du med kråker?Do you talk to crows?
Kan du legge deg i en åker på svøm?Can you lie down in a field to swim?
Kan du stå der du står nåCan you stand where you stand now
og på et knips dukke opp lenger sør?and at a snap of the fingers show up farther south?
I så fall er du midt i mellomIf so, you are right in between
livet og en drøm, eller din dødlife and a dream, or your death


Background information about the song:

The song of fate. Mother and daughter, brother and maid of honor, father and Devil summarize. They were all pawns in a game. They all realize what their places are on both sides of life, and they sum up their fate. Nothing could have changed the hands of time. It ended as it was always meant to end. The first verse is sung by the maid of honor and the brother. It was always these two. The second verse is sung by the father and the Devil. It was always these two. The last verse is sung by the mother, Violeta, and Violeta. It was always these three ...


Six-leaf clover

Med hånd på hjerta og ti kniver i halsenWith the hand on your heart and ten knives in your throat
danste du med feil steg i den valsenyou danced that waltz with the wrong steps
Og det svir med en klump i brystetAnd it stings with a lump in your breast
Det sko ha vært meir tunge i det kyssetThere should have been more tongue in that kiss
Du kan skylde alt på meg. Det har du lov tilYou can blame it all on me. You're allowed to do that
Eg kan sei at eg angrer for alltidI can say that I regret forever
Men uten meg ingen mor datter siluetterBut without me, no mother daughter silhouettes
Uten meg ingen drøm om VioletaWithout me, no dream of Violeta
Eg var din forlover. Eg lover meir enn eg holderI was your maid of honor. I promise more than I live up to
Nå får me sjå kva eg tåler. Du kommer mens eg soverNow we'll get to see what I can handle. You come by while I am sleeping
Eg skal gi deg mitt ærlige svarI'll give you my honest answer
Eg trudde faktisk at me to var braActually, I thought that we two were good
Men du var for stor for meg, det var ting som du saBut you were too big for me, there were things that you said
Nå må eg angre for alltid for at eg stakk avNow I have to regret forever that I ran away
Om eg fekk gjort noe om igjenIf I got to do anything over again
Fått ønsket mitt oppfyllt av KongenGot my wish fulfilled by the King
Sko eg aldri gitt slepp på ballongenI should never have let go of the balloon
heller svevt over skyene sammenrather floated above the clouds together
Eg var din forlover...I was your maid of honor ...
Sju bøtter tårer er nok, BeatriceSeven buckets of tears is enough, Beatrice
Me delte på en hemmelighetWe shared a secret
Drømmene dine som me grov nerYour dreams that we dug in
De vokste opp av bakken når det regna nerThey grew out of the ground when it rained down
Nå trenger det aldri å regna meirNow it never needs to rain anymore
Eg såg det for meg i frå mi sengI envisioned it from my bed
Drømmer som vokste som ei blomsterengDreams that grew like a flower meadow
Nå er det en heilt spesiell og vakker dagNow it is a very special and beautiful day
Reisen kan begynna nå som me er i lagThe journey can begin, now that we are together
Eg var din forlover...I was your maid of honor ...
Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice...Seven buckets of tears is enough, Beatrice ...
Å du heiste meg til skyene og enda lenger oppAnd you raised me up to the clouds, and even higher up
Eg var din akrobat og eg dalte alltid rett inn i armene dineI was your acrobat, and I always fell right into your arms
Me måtte vært sommerfugler om me sko ha følt oss friereOnly butterflies could have felt any freer than we
Og far stod og smilte og vinkte ner på bakken og sågAnd dad stood and smiled and waved, down on the ground and watched

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Violeta, Violeta Vol. III