Traveling from concert to concert is getting harder and longer now, so the reports take longer as well - here's the report from Schorndorf! Of course the report from Vienna will be up as well (even though it will probably more like "Whaaaaaa...t was that?! =:-D"), but first I'll have to enjoy the spring (and the off-day *g*) here in Vienna. =:-)
But here's a little news overview: This Friday, Kaizers announced on kaizers.no that they would start singing in English in Europe now. Great, right? But (of course) it was an April fool... =;-) Yesterday, there were some real news: The Spektrum concert will actually be released on DVD! The DVD will probably be out in November of 2011, and everybody who attends the concert will get a voucher of 50 NOK to spend on the DVD at Platekompaniet. And last but not least, the date for the Øya festival show was announced: Kaizers will play on Thursday, August 11.
Thanks a lot for all the feedback at the moment! And sorry that I probably won't be able to answer any of it before the end of the tour. Somehow, there are other things right now that are more important... like eating, sleeping, driving, and writing reports. =;-)

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News and updates: 2011/04/03