And the Kaizer virus is spreading! After the lyrics of the single have been leaked (see the last news bit), little pieces of the artwork of the single were spread among the fans during the last few days. Partly through official Kaizers channels on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr, partly just by mail to a few fans. I collected the pieces here (which is a good opportunity to point out again that you can like Konzertjunkie on Facebook as well! =;-)). You can check out the complete artwork here.

In addition to that, kaizervirus.com changed: Instead of the call for "applications", there is now a tape player with - presumably - a tiny part of the single! If the player doesn't work for you (I have the suspicion that it only works in Norway), here's the link to the file that it is supposed to play: virus.mp3.

And finally, Kaizers announced the lucky one who gets to hear the Aldri Vodka, Violeta first. Congrats to Steffen Berland!

Konzertjunkie on Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/ konzertjunkie
Konzertjunkie onTwitter: kaizers_kj
News and updates: 2012/09/18