- 2013/08/25
- I was out traveling again - therefore, here's a report and some photos from the Kriegsensemble release concert and of course the Kaizers concert in Trondheim. You can find some videos from the concert and about Kriegsensemble on TV-adressa, and a concert review here. Enjoy!
And here is some information about the Kriegsensemble album: The album is available only as vinyl record and as download. You can download the album from the usual platforms - iTunes, Wimp, Spotify, Amazon. The record seems to be available only in Norway through Platekompaniet up to now - and of course at Kriegsensemble concerts and at all Kaizers concerts in Stavanger September 6-14.

And finally, some great news for everyone who cannot attend the last concert in Stavanger: According to kaizers.no (only in Norwegian up to now, but I guess they'll post an English version of the news as well), the concert will be broadcast live in some cinemas and on the internet. You can find more information about the live stream at LiveMusicStage.