As expected, Kaizers Orchestra brilliantly mastered the premiere of the tour - at least according to all the excited and enthusiastic comments! All day, we could follow along with the preparations through Kaizers' Instagram account. And right after the show, Frank sent in the following euphoric comment (does not contain any spoilers):
Jeg sitter med følelsen av at den norske operaen ble bygd for at Violetta skulle danse inn sammen med Kaizers og Kork. Det er en vanvittig følelse jeg sitter med, men dette var rått, vakkert og majestetisk. Lydbildet i Operaen er fantastisk og JanOve leverer varene, selv med et par tekniske debutproblemer. Alle som har billetter til denne konserten har et kulturelt høydepunkt i vente, dette er kanskje det beste man får oppleve i Norge. Når Helge Omen Kaizer går fram og stepper i Begravelsespolka, er det bare beviset på at Kaizers kan ALT. Men medaljens bakside er at den opplevelsen jeg nettopp har hatt kan ikke overgås, så...... Takk for alt
I can't help but feel like the Norwegian opera house was built for Violeta to dance in there together with Kaizers and KORK. This experience gave me an amazing feeling; this was rough, beautiful, and majestic. The sound in the Opera is fantastic, and Janove really delivers, even despite a few technical starting problems. Everyone who's got a ticket for this concert can expect a cultural highlight that is maybe the best you can experience in Norway. When Helge Omen Kaizer comes to the front and tap dances during Begravelsespolka, this is the proof that Kaizers can do EVERYTHING. But the other side of the coin is that the experience that I just had cannot be topped, therefore ... thank you for everything.
If you want to know more details, check out Dagbladet's concert report, which also contains the setlist, or oslopuls' review.

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News and updates: 2013/01/22