
Background information about the song:

The devil interrupts the story and speaks up. He emerges from the scenes and reveals himself to Violeta, because he considers it necessary. Yes, he exists, and therefore there is no point in either believing or doubting that anymore. Instead, one should rather start realizing a few things, right away. The Devil is offended by Beatrice, who is treading her own paths, choosing her own destiny, and thus defying his auspices. He tried to get through to her, but gets no response, so therefore he tries to go through Violeta instead, as a last resort. He asks her to tell her mother that she must start to comply. This is his show. If you don't obey the Devil, it might easily happen that your last hour is preponed ...


Funeral polka

All rise! Ja det er meg. Thank you, thank y....All rise! Yes, it is me. Thank you, thank y...
Jo det er meg.Oh yes, it is me.
Det er ikkje lenger snakk om å truIt's no longer a question of faith
Det er nok heller tid for å innsjå et par tingInstead, it's probably time to realize a few things
Ta for eksempel for 14 år si, då du blei fødtFor example, 14 years ago, when you were born
Kem trur du var der? Eg seier ikkje meirWho do you think was there? That's all I'm going to say
Det er bare i begynnelsen og slutten av ditt livOnly at the beginning and the end of your life
at eg glimrer med mitt nærvær, yes SirI am notably present, yes Sir
Så koffor trur du at eg er her? For å bli underholdt? Nei.So why do you think I'm here? To be entertained? No.
For å bli forstått? Ja.To be understood? Yes.
Du må ta meg på mitt ord.You must take me at my word.
Det er ikkje din fars bror du skal vær reddIt's not your father's brother you should be scared of
Tvert imot det er di mor. OoohOn the contrary, it's your mother. Oooh
For det er ikkje din drøm du leverBecause you are not living your own dream
Og ditt mareritt, det er ikkje ditt, det er di mor sittAnd your nightmare, it's not yours, it's your mother's
Ja det er på meg du skal dra kjenselYes, I'm the one you should recognize
når eg stryker deg ut med min penselwhen I erase you with my brush
Denne polka, det er denne du blei folk avThis polka is what taught you how to be
Hu du blei født av, gav deg gleden og smerten i ditt livWho gave birth to you, gave you joy and pain in your life
Denne polka, denne får du aldri nok avThis polka, you will never get enough of it
Av denne sangen er du kommetYou came from this song
til denne sangen skal du bliyou will become this song
Nei, nok om meg. La oss snakke litt om degNo, enough about me. Let's talk about you
Kva syns du om meg?What do you think about me?
For det er ikkje sikkert du har tenkt på megYou might not have thought of me
like ofte som eg har tenkt på degas often as I have thought of you
Har du tenkt på det?Have you thought about that?
Bare tenk så mange gonger eg har sett det for megJust think how many times I've imagined that
visualisert og regisert din siste timevisualized and directed your last hour
Nei, eg kan ikkje noe for detNo, I cannot help it
Det er min naturIt's my nature
Eg legger mi sjel i detI put my soul into it
Både du og meg har sett koss din vei blir lagt nerBoth you and I have seen how your path has been laid out
Kva har mor di sin fing med dette her å gjer?How does your mother have a finger in the pie here?
Eg bestemmer tid og sted og lukt og fargespelI decide on the time and place and smell and color scheme
på alle som eg har sverga at det kunne bli folk avfor all for which I have sworn that they could turn out right


The English translation is taken from



På Delikatessen sitter de beste av de besteAt Delicatessen, there's the cream of the crop
De har levd intenst for kver vår presidentThey have lived intensively for each of our presidents
Og nasjonen, denne nasjonenAnd for the nation, this nation
står de for evig og alltid i gjeldthey are forever and always in debt
Ta VicenteTake Vincent
Han tok en koffert full av dokumenterHe smuggled a suitcase full of documents
under sin trygge armSafely under his arms
før han rømte ut av nasjonenbefore he escaped out of the country
Han rømte ut av nasjonen for hånd på dresinHe escaped out of the country on a train hand cart
Du sko heller presentert oss for prestenYou should rather have taken us to a priest
enn å legge oss inn på Delikatessenthan commit us to Delicatessen
Kva skal me med medaljonger på dressenWhat good are medals on our suits
når me ligger på Delikatessenwhen we lie here at Delicatessen
Er det liv? Er det liv?Is this life? Is this life?
Kaller du det her et liv på DelikatessenDo you call this a life, here at Delicatessen
De slipper oss aldri utThey will never release us
Illusjon er en del av prosessen her påIllusion is a part of the process here at
Å Johanna. Takk gud for St. JohannaOh Johanna. Thank god for St. Johanna
Hun var som en blomst planta i betongShe was like a flower growing out of the concrete
inne på Delikatessenat Delicatessen
Hos Johanna var det varmtWith Johanna it was always warm
når anstalt blei for kaldtwhen the institution became too cold

Djevelens orkester

Djevelens orkester

The devil's orchestra

Når du svever mellom død og livNow that you're drifting between life and death
tørk av deg et siste flirWipe away that smirk
for du vett ikkje koss det blir'Cause you don't know what it'll be like
Då kan du angre på at du løygThen you can regret you lied
og bli vandt til å puste røykAnd you'll get used to breathing smoke
for her nere må du ta en støyt'Cause down here you have to face the blows
Og Dirigenten spytter blodAnd the conductor is spitting blood
Han skal ha maksimal innsatsHe demands maximum effort
når hans menn synger i korWhen his men sing in harmony
Det gjelder søster, det gjelder brorIt applies to sisters, it applies to brothers
Han gjør ingen unntakHe makes no exceptions
Og vår lov er hans ordAnd our law is his word
Nei ikkje alt er sånn som du trurNo, not all is like you think
så vis nå litt respektSo show some respect
For han er en sann mester. Han er di morCause he's a true master, he's your mother
Han er di søsterHe's your sister
Han er dirigent i djevelens orkesterHe's the conductor of the devil's orchestra
Her er det ingen som har det lettHere no one has it easy
Her går alle på diettHere everyone's on a diet
Over 90 % har kreftOver 90% have cancer
Her er det varmt og det lukter svettHere it's hot and smells sweaty
Her faller de for ildenHere they fall into the fire
Og nå vett du han hadde rettAnd now you know he was right
Og Dirigenten drikker vinAnd the conductor's drinking wine
som om det skulle vært bensinAs if it was gasoline
Er det dette som er disiplinIs this what is called dicipline
Og når han veiver med sin stavAnd when he's swinging his baton
ut imot folkehavOut towards the masses
då synger de shalalaThen they sing sha-la-la
Her er det ingen vei tilbakeHere there's no turning back
Sånn skal du ha det i dine siste dagerThis is how you'll spend your last days
Alle vil inn i himmelenEverybody wants to go to heaven
når det er for seintWhen it's too late

Señor Torpedo

Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

When we were making "the difficult second album", we had only 12 songs with us in the studio - the 12 that in turn became Evig Pint. The reason was that there weren't more to choose from, we said then. We simply had not made more.

But after going through the demos from this period, we found out that was not fully correct. We have never been occupied with looking backwards, so we were a bit surprised by these songs we had left orphaned without any remorse in 2003, because there were some curious notes here. Señor Torpedo is an example, a bit like "Veterans klage" from Evig Pint perhaps, a very strange song that isn't like much else out there.

The lyrics ask the question of who can take over the mafia throne after Sonny, who was exposed in a plot in the song "Hevnervals", ended up with life in prison and a death sentence in the song "Drøm hardt". The family business is bleeding and shouting for someone who can take over for Sonny. Sonny has a "right hand", a man on the outside. It is he who is the narrator and runs the show all throughout Evig Pint. In this song, he presents a merciless replacement by the name Señor Torpedo who gives you everything you ask for. But in practice, it is he himself who rules the mafia, up until he quietly passes away as a blind old man in the song "Sonny".

Sometimes as a songwriter, one has one theme or another, a stanza or a melody line that rides one like a mare for a long time. The potential is there, but it never materializes. The organ riff of Señor Torpedo was one for Janove, in the end it ended up in "Knekker deg til sist" from the Maestro album, but before that it was part of "Señor Torpedo". It is, after all, legal to steal from oneself.

Señor Torpedo

Señor Torpedo

Eg kan sei det igjen men eg har sagt det førI can say it again, but I've said it before
Familiebedriften dørThe family business is dying
Sjå på meg den som tørLook at me who dares
å sette seg i stolento sit in the chair
Og alle kjenner Sonny sitt navnAnd everyone knows Sonny's name
Og alle sammen føler hans savnAnd everyone feels his loss
Han er så Helgen som en Helgen kan bliHe's as Hallow as a Hallow can be
Det fins ingen ny SonnyThere's no new Sonny
Og rekk opp hånda hvis du kjenner nogenAnd raise your hand if you know somebody
En som eg kan ha inni armkrokenSomeone I can link arms with
En som er komfortabel i sjefsstolenSomeone who's comfortable in the boss' chair
En som alltid har ei hånd på pistolenSomeone who always has a hand on the gun
Det var for han eg måtte sy sju stingFor him I had to sew seven stitches
Det var for han eg måtte bli halvt blindFor him I had to turn half blind
Og du var alltid velkommen innAnd you were always welcome
Måtte eg gått i døden for han, ville eg gått rett innIf I had to die for him, I would have done so right away
For han er min farBecause he is my father
Herren gir og Herren tarThe Lord gives and the Lord takes
Så lenge du er lojalAs long as you're loyal
er du velkommen i vår hageyou are welcome in our gardens
Det fins ingen vei tilbakeThere's no way back
Ett feil ord, ett skeivt skritt så er dine dager talteOne wrong word, one skewed step and your days are numbered
123456789 10123456789 10
La meg presentere Señor TorpedoLet me introduce Señor Torpedo
Av han får du meir enn du ber omYou get more from him than you ask for
Han legger ingenting i mellomHe doesn't mince matters
Guds gave til oss er Señor TorpedoGod's gift to us is Señor Torpedo
Og snart kjenner alle hans navnAnd soon everybody will know his name
Når han forsvinner kjenner alle hans savnWhen he disappears, everyone will feel his loss
Han blir så Helgen som en Helgen kan bliHe'll be as Hallow as a Hallow can be
Men han blir ingen ny SonnyBut he won't be a new Sonny

Veterans klage

Veterans klage

Veteran's complaint

Gje meg en drink med paraply fra CasablancaGive me a drink, with an umbrella from Casablanca
Eg har vondt i nakken for en splintMy neck hurts because a splinter
traff meghit me
Mitt fundament er tynt. Eg knekker sikkertMy foundation is weak. I would easily
lett på midten. Eg har aldri levd sunt.snap in two. I've never lived healthy.
Straff megPunish me
Min vei blir til mens eg går.The path I make is the path I take
Alt er en del av prosessenEverything is part of the process
Den dag eg snur meg for å sjå dør egThe day I look back I die
Bartender du forstår. Gje meg fire centiliterBartender you understand. Give me four centiliters
Ta det på øyemål.Pour it by sight
Hjelp megHelp me


The English translation is taken from


Gypsy blood

Hold kjeft og sett deg nerShut up and sit down
Her er ikkje rom for nok en blindpassasjerThere is no room for another blind passenger
Du får ikkje styra. Du får ikkje hyraYou are not going to direct and you are not going to be paid
Så hold kjeft og sett deg ner.So shut up and sit down
Du kan bli min venn, eg kan bli dinYou can be my friend and I can be yours
Hvis det viser seg at du passer innIf it turns out that you fit in
For me har regla som du må følga'Cause we have rules that you must obey
Du kan bli min venn og eg kan bli dinYou can be my friend and I can be yours
Men en liten ting før du gårBut just one small thing before you go
Et tips om du vil, eller et rådA hint or an advice if you like
Hvis du blir tatt i å trossa mi maktIf you get caught resisting my powers
Så er mor di den første me går påYour mother will be the first one to be taken to task
Gje den mannen en hatt, gje han ei håndGive this man a hat, give him a hand
Få han til å jobba i familiens åndHave him work for the family
Han kan bli den neste, kan bli den besteHe could be the next, could be the best
Gje den mannen en hatt, gje han ei håndGive this man a hat, give him a hand
Men Sir, unnskyld meg at eg bryter innBut excuse me the interruption, Sir
Eg lar meg ikkje så lett imponeraI am not that easily impressed
Det høres ut som om han kan altIt seems as if he can do everything
Men hans prestasjoner var kjøpt og betaltBut his references were bought and paid for
Så Sir, hvis du gjer han en sjangsSo, if you want to give him a chance, Sir
Må alt han har gjort før vær av relevansYou should take into consideration all he has done before
For eg har hørt han har sigøynerblod'Cause I have heard he has gypsy blood in his veins
Og du vett kva eg syns om sigøynerblodAnd you know what I think of gypsy blood
For hans far, hans far var sigøyner.'Cause his father, his father was a gypsy


The English translation is taken from


The Resistance

Det finst ei trapp som går ner til en kjellerThere is a stairway that leads down to a cellar
Den er så trang at du må gå sidelengsIt's so narrow that you must enter sideways
Og på veggen henger tjukt med bilderAnd on the walls hang lots of paintings
av folk som har gått ner, men som ingen ser igjenof people who went down, but none will meet again
For Marcello sin kjeller er ingen vanlig kjeller'Cause Marcello's cellar is no common cellar
Det har vært 100 mann der nere på en gongThere's been one hundred men down there at once
Det står et bord midt på golvet, midt på bordetThere's a table in the middle of the floor, and in the middle of the table
en revolver og på den står det made in Hong Kongthere's a revolver on which it states made in Hong Kong
Her er det russisk rullett kvar fredagThere's Russian roulette here every Friday
og på søndag skal det vær konfirmasjonand on Sunday there will be a confirmation
Fru Conradas har gitt klar beskjed, på søndag kl. 12Mrs. Conradas has sent a clear message that on Sunday 12 o'clock
vil hu ikkje sjå en dråpe blodshe doesn't want to see a drop of blood
Men Marcello er fine når han drikkerBut Marcello is nice when he's drinking
For det er hans vin, det er hans damer og hans dans'Cause it's his wine, it's his women and his dance
Han er en sjarmør, og hans like fins ikkjeHe's a charmer and there's no equal to him
Alt og alle i den kjelleren er hansEverything and everything in the cellar is his
Og for at stemningå skal bli endå meir russisk der nereAnd to turn the atmosphere even more Russian down there
har de fått tak i ei russisk ballerinahe has gotten hold of Russian ballerina
Hu danse polka på den tradisjonelle måtenShe dances polka in the traditional way
så får hu en hundrelapp for å holde kjeft til neste fredagthen she gets a hundred bucks to keep her mouth closed til next Friday
Ja humøret i Marcello sin kjeller er upåklageligYes, the atmosphere in Marcello's cellar is irreproachable
Du er klam og du er svett når du går der i fråYou're clammy and you're sweaty when you leave this place
Og dei som ikkje klarer å stå distansenAnd those that can't make the distance
dei kan ikkje vær medlem av resistansenthey can't be part of the resistance

Philemon Arthur & The Dung

Background information about the song:

Beatrice raises her daughter Violeta and transfers her life's wisdom to her: All that you can dream can also happen. You don't have to accept all limits that you meet in life, but you should rather search for new openings and opportunities, and be guided by your heart. Beatrice has qualities and talents surpassing those of ordinary men, and she's sure that her daughter inherited these special qualities. And so she wants to help her use her talents instead of fearing and suppressing them, like the father Kenneth wants her to. He kidnapped his own daughter and is on the run with her in the wide world, just to avoid Violeta becoming like her mother. Beatrice is balancing between being mentally sound and ill. She's hallucinating, and sometimes she thinks that she hears someone ringing at the door. She knows that's not real, but nevertheless she's asking: Is it you? Come in and get yourself some coffee...

Philemon Arthur & The Dung

Philemon Arthur & The Dung

Når du har brutt alle reglar som bryta gårWhen you broke all the rules that can be broken
Og du har slikt av dine sårAnd you have licked your wounds
Og det er verken din anger eller pasjon som rårAnd it is neither your remorse nor your passion that reigns
Kem sitter du igjen med då?Who are you left with then
La det varaLet it be
Når det er slutt på en sesongWhen a season has ended
Når det er tomt i min kartongWhen my carton is empty
Philemon Arthur & The DungPhilemon Arthur & The Dung
Du og meg i en sangYou and me in a song
Prøv og grav ner, prøv og grav ner dine hemmelighetarTry to bury your secrets
Alt du vil at ingen andre skal vetaAll that you don't want anybody else to know
Og det går år før det du sår kan voksaAnd it will take years before what you sow can grow
Prøv å hold ut for meg dåTry to hang on for me
Du vett, alt du kan drømma, alt det kan hendaYou know that all you can dream can happen
Akkurat som alt som er vakkert kan brennaJust like everything that is beautiful can burn
Og mens ingenting hender, kan du ingenting gjeraAnd while nothing happens, you can do nothing
Du må bare la det varaYou just have to let it be
Ding dongDing dong
Kem er det som banker på nå? Er det du?Who is knocking now? Is it you?
Kom inn og få deg littCome in and get yourself some

Femtakt filosofi

Background information about the song:

Beatrice is vagrantly wandering about in her tumble-down house, and she's talking to herself and to all the demons she is fighting in her head. As usual, she is clad in her old wedding dress, smelling of gasoline and vodka, with a cigarette in the corner of her mouth. She also went through a hard school with all her thoughts. She's been in an existential crisis ever since Kenneth ran aways with Violeta, and Beatrice has been incapable of action and unable to get a grip on her life, and she now developed a twisted and different philosophy of life. A five-four-time philosophy. After the explosion (Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice), she actually sees all the links clearly again. The experiences are amplified like in a natural psychadelic ecstacy. The boundaries between dream, fantasy, and reality are blurred. She praises all the beautiful things that her talents can give, and she mocks Kenneth, who is a realist and doesn't believe in other energies than those that can be measured. She rants about creativity, dreams, and the power of thoughts, and she asks rhetorically if these things aren't real as well? She threatens that those who cannot manage to imagine the alternative must obviously be dead. She reminds Kenneth that even though he was naturally born, this doesn't mean that he gets a natural death...

Femtakt filosofi

Five-four time philosophy

Eg gjekk sju år på et akademiI attended an academy for seven years
Intellektuell lobotomiIntellectual lobotomy
Alt eg kan får plass på et papirEverything I know fits on a paper
Dagar kommer, så forsvinner deDays come, and then they disappear
Så nettene, men ingen husker deThen the nights, but nobody remembers them
Koss i helvete vett du ka du skal bliHow in hell do you know what you should become
Sjøl om du er naturlig fødtEven if you are naturally born
Betyr det ikkje at du får en naturlig dødit doesn't mean that you get a natural death
Nå går me snart inn i vintertidOh, now it is almost winter
Som er like vakkert som sommartidWhich is just as beautiful as summer
Snøen daler som fjær der han ligger kvitSnow falls like feathers where it lies all white
Og venter på at våren blir fargerikAnd waits for the spring to be colorful
Og tenk han som slepper å tenka påAnd think of him who doesn't need to think about
Alt det som går an, opp i mot alt det som ikkje kan gå anEverything that happens, up against everything that cannot happen
Men han må jo vær dødBut he must be dead
Sei meg kor ifrå er kreativitetTell me what creativity stems from
Drømmer som blir til virkelighetDreams that become reality
Hvis du kan tenka det er det realitet, Kenneth?If you can imagine it, is it reality, Kenneth?
Keffor sjå på det ukjente som en banalitetWhy regard the unknown as a banality
Når en drøm er frihet i all enkelhetIf a dream is simply freedom
Like simpelt som en tone på trompetJust as simple as a tone on the trumpet
Og sett at eg kan lesa inni håndå diAnd, assuming that I can read your palm
eller stjernene som et alternativOr the stars, alternatively
Ka skal du sei hvis me treffes igjen i neste livWhat will you say if we meet again in the next life?
Då skal du vel seiThen you will probably say
Hei hei hei. Skal du denne vei?Hey hey hey. Are you going this way?
Hei hei hei. Visst faen skal eg denne veiHey hey hey. Hell yeah I'm going this way!

Din kjole lukter bensin, mor

Background information about the song:

Violeta is back in the place where she and her mother used to plant flowers when she was little. She ran away from her father and found her way back to her old childhood home, which is now empty and abandoned. Her mother is out in the world, looking for her. She picks her mother's dreams until she has a large bouquet. By taking in her mother's thoughts, dreams and nightmares, Violeta gets to see how her mother has been grieving and shedding tears for seven years, upstairs in the attic. She gets to witness her own mother's decay. How she turned skinny and pale, with the cigarettes, the vodka, and wearing her partly burned wedding dress. Violeta dreams about meeting her mother again, but is unsure of how that is going to be. They are both seven years older now. She romanticizes her mother's eccentric features, and outlines ten things that she feels they would have to do to get reacquainted. A dress and red wine she doesn't mind. Sulfur and gasoline, on the other hand...

Din kjole lukter bensin, mor

Your dress smells of gasoline, mother

Det fins en eksentrisk fru inni et gammelt husThere is an eccentric woman in an old house
Til slutt på en vei av grusAt the end of a gravel road
Hun kan ikkje bli frisk om hun fekk medisinShe cannot get well, not even with medicine
Og av kjolen lukter det bensinAnd her dress smells of gasoline
Hun er besatt, ikkje sjuk på sinnShe is possessed, not insane
Er fantastisk vakkerShe's stunningly beautiful
Har kun ei datterHas only one daughter
Det er meg, og hun er minThis is me, and she is mine
Eh, ok. Koss kan eg sei det, uten å fornærmaEh, okay. How can I say that, without being insulting
Det lukter bensin av den vakre kjolen dinYour beautiful dress smells of gasoline
Kjole og rødvin, har eg ingenting imotDress and red wine, I don't mind
Svovel og bensin derimotSulfur and gasoline, on the other hand
Ein - eg vett ikkje kor hun er nåOne - I don't know where she is now
To - du vett ikkje kor eg er ogTwo - you don't know where I am either
Tre - me er sju år eldre nåThree - we are seven years older now
Og fire - det ville aldri blitt som førAnd four - it would never be like it used to be
Fem - det er ikkje sikkert me hadde kjent kverandre igjen nåFive - it's not certain we would have recognized each other now
Seks - me måtte ha børsta av støv ogSix - we'd have to brush off the dust and
Sju - blitt kjent på nySeven - get to know each other again
Åtte - drukket vinEight - drink wine
Og ni - me måtte gitt oss sjølAnd nine - would need to give ourselves
Det lukter bensin av den vakre kjolen minMy beautiful dress smells of gasoline

En for orgelet, en for meg

Background information about the song:

Every night, Beatrice is sitting up in the attic, wearing her old wedding dress, drinking vodka while playing the pump organ and smoking cigarettes. She enters a kind of psyched up trance. The organ and the vodka fill up the attic with something that she experiences like a religious force. She goes into a state of intoxicated fantasy, or foresight, where she hears her daughter's voice, among other things. She continues drinking until the demons come out, and she shoots a bigger and bigger hole into the ceiling with her shotgun. In the end, she marries her own demons, under the hole in the roof, and looks up at the starry sky of lead that she shot by herself. She is one with the divine, and she's in the center of her own cosmos. She is her own Maker. She is not sick, but she isn't healthy either...

En for orgelet, en for meg

One for the organ, one for me

Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klangI sit down and pump to get the right sound
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me
Eg har dratt ut ledningen av min telefonI have pulled the cord of my telephone
Ingen ringer lenger inn, ingen ringer lenger utNo one can ring in now, no one can ring out
Og er eg i tvil, kaster eg mynt eller kronAnd if I'm in doubt, I toss heads or tails
Eg har aldri fått svar ifrå mitt JesusikonI've never gotten an answer from my Jesus icon
Eg sko likt og vært kun han og meg i et romI would like to have just him and me in one room
Tanken blir dobbelt så stor om me hadde vært toThe thought gets twice as big if we'd be two
Og en ting er om han hadde syns synd på megAnd one thing is if he'd feel sorry for me
Eg sko spurt han tvert om om han syns synd på segOn the contrary I should have asked him if he feels sorry for himself
Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klangI sit down and pump to get the right sound
Dagen er for kort og nåttå er for langThe day is too short and the night is too long
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystallSo I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me
Og eg kan ikkje bretta opp kjolen, det får bli en annen sangAnd I can't roll up my dress, that would be another song
For ein: Eg har ikkje skjorta. Og to: Eg er ikkje mannBecause one: I don't have a shirt. And two: I'm not a man.
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystallSo I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me
Svart går i dur og kvitt i mollBlack is major and white is minor
Og når eg vil opp, tar eg en halv kopp med svartAnd when I want to get up, I take half a cup of black
Eg heller i og cirka sånn er nokI pour, and about this much is enough
Og så drømmer eg meg vekk som i et ekstatisk sjokkAnd then I dream myself away like in an ecstatic shock
Me sko pakkt en koffert og reist og sett oss omWe should have packed a suitcase and traveled and looked around
Åh, sko ønskt me kunne hatt det sånnOh, I wish we could have done it like that
Sluppet alt me har i hendene og reist, liksomLet go of everything we have in our hands and just left, sort of
Så kunne me lært å gjort vann om til vin og sånnSo we could have learned to turn water into wine and stuff
Og etter fem glass slepper eg demonane utAnd after five glasses I let out the demons
Og etter fem til skyter eg hol i taket og står brudAnd after five more I shoot holes in the ceiling and turn into a bride
Vil du ha meg i gode og onde dagar for alltidWill you keep me forever, in good times and in bad
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus SanctiIn nomini Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti
Så skyter eg gjennom himmelen med deg på slepSo I shoot through the sky with you in tow
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me

Diamant til kull

Background information about the song:

Beatrice is out in the world, hunting. She's trying to find her daughter, and she keeps a breathless speed. She's in contact with both the bad and the good powers inside of herself, because she needs both of them to find her daughter. On the one hand, she's encouraged to revel and stop at nothing on her way, whereas on the other hand she's warned to take care and be considerate. The forces she has set in motion are huge, and it's not always equally easily to control them. Beatrice is a fantastically beautiful and special person, who could easily float away into another dimension, but at the same time she wants to restrain herself and balance the ordinary with the extraordinary. She's a diamond steadily wishing to be coal...

Diamant til kull

Diamond to coal

Du må sjå at det brenner i ovnen før du føler deg tryggYou must see it burn in the oven before you feel sure
Med engel på skulder og en jævel på ryggWith an angel on your shoulder and a devil on your back
Spring gjennom skogen og en gravlundsportRun through the forest and through a cemetery gate
Du kan rekka et tog, men spring fortYou can catch a train, but you must run fast
Du som kunne skint så blankt som en diamantYou, who could have shone as bright as a diamond
Men du ville vær kull som brantBut you'd rather be coal that burns
Sjå på deg nåLook at you now
Med en fot i gravå så forsvinner du, go go goWith one foot in the grave, and then you disappear, go go go
Ah, eg kjenner deg såAh, that's how I know you
Du kunne blitt en diamant, men i stedet er du kullYou could have become a diamond, but instead you are coal
Nå gåNow go
Har du latt deg bli fortalt om en neve syndHave you let people tell you about a fistful of sins
Han som kvalte for hånd og hadde ord i sin munnAbout him who strangled by hand and had words in his mouth
Kor enn han stod, stod han på hellig grunnWherever he stood, he stood on holy ground
Ingen kommer seg opp frå hans brønnNobody can escape from his well
Det er for seint når klokkene ringer innIt's too late when the bells start ringing
Hold motoren i gang og forsvinn i en vindKeep the engine running and leave fast
Ikkje stopp å ro, du må ro din båtDon't stop to row, you must row your boat
Til hendene blør og du har puls i sårUntil the hands are bleeding and your wounds are pulsating
Hopp over vinter og gå rett på vårSkip winter and go straight to spring
Og den som ikkje har gjemt seg då, den må ståAnd those who didn't hide must bear it
Det går som det går, det som skjer det skjerIt goes as it goes, what happens, happens
Om du blir utstoppa og stilt ut som et av hans troféIf you are stuffed and exhibited as one of his trophies

Psycho under min hatt

Background information about the song:

Beatrice is on fire, almost obsessed, after she took the decision to take up the fight and find Kenneth and Violeta. She's in full swing mocking and scolding her ex, Kenneth. She is on top of her own talents and feels great and powerful. She thinks that Kenneth is a poor man with miniature fantasies. She explains what she plans to do with him when she finds him. All the time, he claimed that she is sick and needs medicine. But she doesn't see it this way. She is healthy, but she possesses special talents. That's not a problem. It's fantastic. And she believes that her daughter is like her. Beatrice wants to take crude revenge on Kenneth for having kidnapped Violeta. And to rub it in, she plans to wear the partly burnt wedding dress on the day she finds him. She rhetorically asks if Kenneth really thinks that the two of them were ever good together? Her highest wish of getting a daughter is fulfilled. He cannot give her anymore what she already has...

Psycho under min hatt

Psycho under my hat

Eg er større enn livetI am larger than life
Og livet er større enn degAnd life is larger than you
Og dine miniatyrfantasierAnd your miniature fantasies
Og du som trur problemet er megAnd you, who think that I am the problem
Du kommer aldri fullt og heilt til å forståYou will never fully and completely understand
Ka som rir både meg og di datterWhat stirs both me and your daughter
Utpå er hun fantastisk vakkerFrom the outside, she is stunningly beautiful
Men ka går hun rundt med i håvetBut what is spinning around in her head
Ka går hun rundt med i håvetWhat is spinning around in her head
Du kan ikkje gje meg det eg har inni håvetYou cannot give me what is spinning around in my head
Psycho i håvetPsycho in my head
Du trur det er din turYou think it's your turn
Men du vett at eg er meir enn du tålerBut you know that I'm more than you can bear
Stikk og prøv å lev i skjulLeave and try to live in hiding
Så fyller eg ei bøtta med tårer i åretThen I will fill a bucket with tears every year
Så en veldig vakker dag, vennAnd then on a very beautiful day, buddy
Eg trur eg skal ha brudekjolen på den dagenI think I'll wear the wedding dress that day
Står eg rett bak deg og blåser deg i nakken, bang bangI'll stand right behind you and breathe down your neck, bang bang
Tenk ka eg går rundt med i håvetJust think about what is spinning around in my head
Ka går eg rundt med i håvetWhat is spinning around in my head
Du kan ikkje gje meg det eg har inni håvetYou cannot give me what is spinning around in my head
Psycho i håvetPsycho in my head
Du trur det fins en kurYou think there is a cure
Mot det som eg går rundt med i håvetAgainst what is spinning around in my head
En totalt ugjennomtrengelig murA totally impenetrable wall
Du kan jo be om å få hjelp frå ovenYou could ask for help from above
Gje meg et ærligt svarGive me an honest answer
Syns du me to nogengong har vært braDo you think we two have been good at some point in time
Du kan ikkje gje meg det eg allerede harYou cannot give me what I already have
Men ka går eg rundt med i håvetBut what is spinning around in my head
Ka går eg rundt med i håvetWhat is spinning around in my head
Du kan ikkje gje meg det eg har inni håvetYou cannot give me what is spinning around in my head
Psycho i håvetPsycho in my head
Natt etter natt leiter eg etter svarNight after night I'm looking for answers
Natt etter natt pumper eg som besattNight after night I'm pumping like obsessed
Du vett at eg er psycho under min hattYou know that I'm psycho under my hat
Men ka eg går rundt med i håvetBut what is spinning around in my head
Ka går eg rundt med i håvetWhat is spinning around in my head
Du kan ikkje gje meg det eg har inni håvetYou cannot give me what is spinning around in my head
Psycho i håvetPsycho in my head

Svarte katter & flosshatter

Background information about the song:

After seven years on the run, Kenneth realizes that his worst fear has come true; Violeta has become like her mother - and it has happened sooner than he had hoped. Her smile is identical to her mother's now. More and more often she surprises her father by pulling one new idea after another out of her hat. The black cats of the town slink around, and flock about her. Kenneth must hurry to get rid of her, before it is too late. They have traveled around the world and ended up in Singapore, where they meet Kenneth's brother, with whom he has sinister intentions. The plan was to get rid of his daughter, sell her on the black market, and get a good price because of her supernatural abilities. But they acted too late. Violeta mocks her father and his brother, who couldn't see it coming. She runs away, headed for her childhood home. But her father's brother is right on her heels. It turns out there is more to his quite ordinary appearance than Violeta would guess...

Svarte katter & flosshatter

Black cats & top hats

La det bare være sagtLet it just be said
Kun en gongOnly one time
Før me skiller lagBefore we say good-bye
Og du gårAnd you leave
Og eg forsvinnerAnd I disappear
Og alt me harAnd all we have
Sammen frå dåIn common from then on
Er minnerAre memories
Du var som meg då du var litenYou were like me when you were little
Ingenting som kan endra detNothing can change that
Det begynte å skje ting med hele skitenThen things started to happen with all this mess
Du forandra deg då me stakkYou changed when we left
Og bris blei til sterk vindAnd a breeze turned into strong wind
Og blå himmel blei til svartAnd the blue sky turned black
Eg tok deg jordå rundt i båtI took you all around the world in a boat
Du var så søt i Singapore havnYou were so cute in Singapore port
Du låg og sovYou lay asleep
Og akkurat då la eg ingenting i detAnd back then, I did not think much about it
Eg visste det, men turte ikkje sei detI knew it, but dared not say it
Du var ikkje deg då du smilteYou weren't yourself when you smiled
Då var det di mor eg sågIt was your mother that I saw
Du klarte ikkje sjå detYou couldn't see it
Du får blod til å frysa til isYou turn blood to ice
Rett før du kommer er det brisJust before you come, there is a breeze
Det er nesten som eg ikkje tør å snu megIt's almost like I don't dare turn around
Når du plystrer på megWhen you whistle at me
Det skal jo vær romantisk vakkert med barnelatterChildren's laughter is supposed to be romantically beautiful
Rundt deg smyger kun svarte katterOnly black cats sneak up to you
Det er tomt for kaniner i di mors flosshatterThere are no more rabbits in your mother's top hats
Det er vanskelig å tørka smilet av en SattanIt's difficult to wipe the smile off a Satan
Eg prøvde å tørka av ditt smil mens du sovI tried wiping off your smile while you were sleeping
Det går ikkje av om eg spør om lovIt won't come off, even if I ask
Du var ikkje deg då du smilteYou weren't yourself when you smiled
Då var det di mor eg sågIt was your mother that I saw


The Norwegian lyrics and the complete sheet music for the song Hjerteknuser can be downloaded here (backup link). The sheet was released as part of a competition where everyone was asked to record a version of the song (without having heard the original version).

You can watch the video with English subtitles here.

And by the way, you can listen to my entry for the competition here. It was recorded all alone at home, without any equipment (or skills *g*), so there's lots of bad notes and timing problems in there. However, I like it! =;-)

Background information about the song:

Father and daughter live a vagrant life with lots of travels to all continents. They have a good relationship, but the father always tries to impress it on Violeta that she is just like him. That they are like two drops of water, indistinguishable. But Violeta realizes that she is actually more like her mother. Episodes from the childhood begin to dawn on Violeta. She starts to break the codes and understand step by step that her mother has put out tracks and hints in things that lie hidden in dreams that the mother has planted outside of the old house. Violeta tests her talents and tries to make contact with her mother by sending her her thoughts. This is just what Beatrice has been waiting for; an opening from Violeta's side. Now they can finally communicate. She understands that she must run from her father, find back to the old childhood home, and pick her mother's dreams before they can be reunited. She just needs to find the right opportunity to get away. Both are waiting for the day when they are out for a walk, and the mother will lean down and Violeta will get up on tiptoes, so that the can hug again...



Du og meg er like som et par dråpar vannYou and me are the same, like two drops of water
I hvert fall hvis du tør å spør hanAt least if you dare ask him
Eg pleier å setta på ei plataI often put on a record
som du for meg sangthat you sang for me
Heilt til eg sovna i ditt fangUntil I fell asleep in your lap
Før såg eg ingenting og det eg såg forsvantBefore, I saw nothing and what I saw disappeared
Men nå seg eg alt det som du serBut now I see everything that you see
Og på min fing har eg ringen din og på ringen står det blanktAnd I have your ring on my finger, and on the ring it clearly says
At du er min hjerteknuserThat you're my heartbreaker
Lurer på om du fins der ute nåI wonder if you are out there now
Sender eg mine tankarIf I send my thoughts
Kjenner du de då?Do you notice?
Send meg et hint så skal du fåSend me a hint and you will receive
Sjøl om han forteller lite og minnene er fåEven though he doesn't tell much and there are few memories
Fins ting han aldri kan ta meg ifråThere are things he can never take from me
Som då me sprang øve plantasjenLike when we ran across the plantation
Eg gjemte meg i stråI hid in the straw
Du telte til hundre og eg vett at du sågYou counted to a hundred, and I know that you peeked
Lurer på om du fins der ute nåI wonder if you are out there now
Sender eg mine tankarIf I send my thoughts
Kjenner du de då?Do you notice?
Send meg et hint så skal du fåSend me a hint and you will receive
Eg vanner mine plantar og pleier det eg sårI water my plants and tend to what I sow
Sekundene tikker, minuttene gårThe seconds are ticking, minutes pass
Og det går dagar og det går årAnd days go by and years go by
Og den som lever får sjåAnd those who live will see
Kanskje du ikkje fins lengerMaybe you aren't there anymore
Kanskje det er håpMaybe there is hope
Kanskje du ikkje tenker på meg hellerMaybe you don't think about me at all
Men eg venter på den dagen at me er ute og gårBut I await the day that we're out for a walk
Og du bøyer deg ner og eg står på tåAnd you lean down and I get up on tiptoes

Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice

Background information about the song:

After 14 years together, Kenneth runs away from his wife, together with his daughter Violeta. She's seven years old when they flee. He cannot stand Beatrice's demanding and eccentric life-style anymore, and he hides in the world by remaining in movement all the time. Beatrice is left behind in a paralysed state, unable to take action, alone in the big house. Apparently she develops a psychotic behavior marked by compulsive acts. She's grieving, and she fills up a bucket with tears every year, but after seven years she's empty. She doesn't see any way out but to take her life. She puts a stick of dynamite underneath her chair and lights the fuse. In the time it takes for the fuse to burn, Beatrice gets into contact with Violeta in a dream. She decides there and then to go out into the world and bring her daughter back - and take revenge on the father. At the last second, she throws the stick of dynamite out of the window, while she runs for the door. Seven years of sorrow save her when her wedding dress catches fire in the explosion. She douses the flames by emptying the buckets of tears on herself. It's the calm before the storm. The rain is applauding on the roof tiles, and the band is playing in minor key in the back streets. Something is on the way. It's the mood for revenge. The pigeons on the roof have never been so quiet. Nature reacts. Huge powers are in motion...

Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice

Seven buckets of tears is enough Beatrice

Han sko bare ut med søppeletHe only wanted to take out the trash
Og hans fru, Beatrice, fyllte bøttene med tårerAnd his wife, Beatrice, filled buckets with tears
Ei per år si han forsvantOne per year since he disappeared
Og naboane er mistenksommeAnd the neighbors are suspicious
Og stemmen i håvet fristandeAnd the voice in the head tempting
På sju år har han komt seg for langtIn seven years he made it too far
Og folk utforbi vinduet de vinker febrilskAnd people that walk by the window wave frantically
Som om de ikkje kan få tatt farvel fort nokAs if they can't say goodbye soon enough
Og sånn som då Cecilia løygAnd just like when Cecilia lied
Skal kver en drøm gå opp i røykEvery dream will go up in smoke
Åh, Beatrice, alt du trenger er en gnistOh, Beatrice, all you need is a spark
Sju bøtter tårer er nok BeatriceSeven buckets of tears is enough Beatrice
Med konfetti i håret og Jack Daniels brisWith confetti in the hair and reeking of Jack Daniels
Plaster på såret, og et takk for sistBand-aid on the wound, and a thank you for the past
Sju bøtter tårer er nok BeatriceSeven buckets of tears is enough Beatrice
Skyt gjennom himmelen i et blinkShoot through the skies in a flash
Sju bøtter tårer er nok BeatriceSeven buckets of tears is enough Beatrice
Nei, det er andre tider nå enn då Houdini forsvantNo, these are other times now than when Houdini disappeared
Du får ikkje folk til å sjå en annen veiYou will not make people look the other way
Kalle det en illusjon og sei; Tada!Call it an illusion and say, Tada!
Men det er ei tid for altBut there is a time for everything
Og i natt får du igjen for sju års forsprangAnd tonight you'll be paid back for a seven-year advance
Og du kan godt sjå en annen veiAnd you may very well look another way
Kalla det en eksplosjon og sei; Nana!Call it a blast and say, Nana!
Og duene på taket, de har aldri stått så stilleAnd the pigeons on the roof, they have never been so quiet
Står de like stilt når kvelden er ommeWill they be as quiet when the night is over
Og når regn applauderer på takhelleneAnd when the rain applauds on the roof tiles
Og korps går i moll i bakgateneAnd the band plays in minor key in the back streets
Åh, Beatrice, då skal nye tider kommaOh, Beatrice, then new times are coming

Ompa til du dør

Some comments:

The English translation is taken from

Ompa til du dør

Ompa til you die

Sven Korner var i aviså på mandagSven Korner was in the paper on Monday
Stort bilde frå en gong han danste valsLarge picture from a time he danced the waltz
Han tok livet av Victoriahe took Victoria's life
Kom heim og forklar til ChristianiaCome home and explain to Christiania
Kom her konstabelCome here constable
her er tusen spenn eg har spartHere's a thousand bucks that I've saved
Så gje meg Korner og gje meg han snartGive me Korner, and give him to me soon
Sven Korner var i aviså på mandagSven Korner was in the paper on Monday
Eg har hørt han har kjøpt en pekingneserI've heard he bought a Pekenese
Han var interessert i så mangt en tingHe was interested in so many things
Ja alt frå Helvete til TensingYes, everything from hell to Tensing
men du gjorde det enkelt for ossBut you've made everything easy for us
Me tar siste stikk, for Sven,We get the last laugh, 'cause Sven
me har ditt fingeravtrykkWe have your fingerprints
Eg vett kva du har i venteI know what's in store for you
Eg vett kva du går å håpe på,I know what you're hoping for
eg vett kva du har i venteI know what's in store for you
Du har ei pipa du trur alle vil følgaYou've got a tune you think everyone will follow
men eg følger ikkje den pipå om det smaltBut I won't follow that tune no matter what
Me spele poker med revolver, har ingen respekt for Fredrik MeltzerWe play poker with a revolver, have no respect for Fredrik Meltzer
nå skal du danse til pipå vår til du blørNow you shall dance to our tune til you bleed
Du skal dansa ompa til du dørYou shall dance ompa til you die
Men tenkt Sven, kor godt det skal bli i HimmelenBut imagine, Sven, how good it'll be in heaven
Eg håpe du folder hender før du går i sengI hope you fold your hands before you go to bed
For det kan bli varmt der nere'Cause it can be warm down there
Det kan bli varmt der nereIt can be warm down there
Sven! Det kan bli jævli varmt der nereSven! It can be damn warm down there
Du går ner enten du vil eller eiYou're going down whether you like it or not
Det er me som skal visa deg veiIt's us that will show you the way
Om du trur du kan stikka avAnd if you think you can run
Så tru om igjen for Gud er min farThink again, 'cause God is my father

Bøn fra helvete

The English translation is taken from

Bøn Fra Helvete

Prayer from hell

Solå står i zenith og håve henge lågtThe sun's in zenith, and the heads are hanging low
i Gruvene på 16 er me i samme båtIn the mines at 16 we're all in the same boat
Ved foten av fjellet kan du sjå me gårAt the foot of the mountain you can watch us marching
i takt med lenker rundt halsen, år etter årIn time with the chains around our necks, year after year
Alt me fire ner i sjaktå av gull og grøn smaragdEverything we hoist down the shaft of gold and green emerald
havne rett i fanget på Henry blir det sagtLands right in Henry's lap, it's said
Det dryppe ikkje på oss. Me trenge ingen potterNothing comes our way. We don't need no pots
for Henry er ikkje prest og ingen av oss er klokker'Cause Henry's not a priest, and none of us are bellringers
Sjøl ikkje Gud kan hørra oss når me ber i frå HelveteNot even God can hear us pray from hell
Ivan la på sprang men kom aldri tilbakeIvan started running, but never came back
Mange før han har prøvd å ta Henry av dageMany have tried to end Henry's days
Og ryktet fortelle at han som står med piskenAnd rumor has it that the one behind the whip
er rake motsetningen av en viss kristenIs the exact opposite of a certain Christian
I Gruvene på 16 har me budd i fire årIn the mines at 16 I've lived for four years
men så snart sjangsen byr seg slår eg meg utBut as soon as the chance arises, I'll bust myself out

Kontroll på kontinentet

The English translation is taken from

Kontroll på kontinentet

Control over the continent

Den skal vær mann som kan gå med min hattHe who can wear my hat must be a man
Den skal vær kald som tar øve mi maktHe who takes over my power must be cold-blooded
Den skal ha nr 42 for å gå med mine skoHe who wears my shoes should be size 42
Men han må ha sin egen pistolBut he has to have his own gun
for du vett kva som står i testamentet'Cause you know what's stated in the will
Du vett kva som står i testamentetYou know what's stated in the will
At den som tar hånd om min ConstanzeThat the one who takes care of my Constanze
får min hatt, får mine sko, får mitt extravanganzaGets my hat, gets my shoes, gets my extravaganza
Ta kontroll på kontinentetTake control over the Continent
Og eg ber om å bli godt parfymertAnd I request to be well perfumed
Eg skal lukte godt når eg først skal gå nerI shall smell good when I got to go down
Og eg har sjølv sendt ut invitasjonAnd I have sent out the invitation myself
Og eg har prest, eg har klokker. Det er full korrupsjonAnd I have a priest, a bell-ringer. It's total corruption
Men alt dette står i testamentetBut all of this is stated in the will
Eg ser det for meg det kryper imot megI see it before me, it's crawling towards me
Åh, mi søster, nå vett eg kven som er tysterOh, my sister, now I know who's the rat
Åh, mi søster, eg hørte alt du sa ved mi kisteOh, my sister, I heard everything you said by the coffin
Fader Martin, eg syns dette begynner å lukte bensinFather Martin, it's beginning to smell of gasoline
Og min Constanze ta min hatt, ta mine sko, ta mitt extravaganzaOh, my Constanze, take my hat, take my shoes, take my extravaganza


The English translation is taken from



Eg ser på det eg har skaptI look at what I have created
og teller på liv som har gått taptand count the lives that have been wasted
Eg ser at det som før låg i vaterI see that what was balanced before
eg ser det er blitt skakthas become unbalanced
Men tiå har vært snillBut time has been kind
mot mitt håndtverkto my handiwork
Eg la ner stein for steinI've laid it brick by brick
Eg har stått på min terrasseI've stood on my patio
og styrt skutå beintand steered the ship straight
Eg har vært tøff mot min klasseI've been tough handling my class
og knukket nogen beinand I've broken some bones
Eg har gjort mine grepI've done my tricks
og holdt samvittigheten reinand kept my conscience clear
Sving din hammerSwing your hammer
til din papa drar deg inntill father calls you in
Trekk et rom nummerTake a room number
men ikkje bland din med minbut don't mix yours with mine
Å Clementine, om du var minOh Clementine, if you were mine
og ikkje hadde lagt deg sjøl innand had not admitted yourself
Då sko du tatt del i det som blirThen you would have been a part in what will become
Flamingos dynastiFlamingo's dynasty


The English translation is taken from



Å Meyer, gi meg et kyssOh Meyer, give me a kiss
Gi meg en ny vårGive me a new spring
Det koker i undergrunnenIt's boiling under ground
Me danser hardt som en dampveivalserWe dance hard like a steamroller
Me blåser ut gjennom sprinklene i kummelokkWe exhale through the holes in manhole covers
Me slår deg ut når me syns at du har fått nokWe knock you out when we think you've had enough
Å Meyer, gi meg et kyssOh Meyer, give me a kiss
Gi meg en ny vårGive me a new spring
Og eg har lest manualen, eg kan min ABCAnd I read the manual, I know my ABC
Alt er relativt, det kommer an på kem som serIt's all relative, it just depends on who's watching
Du kan ta én telefonYou can make a phone call
så får eg aldri jobb her i igjenand I'll never work here again
Men eg vett at eg har arbeid i KGBBut I know I still have work in the KGB
Det er ikkje slutt før den feite dama syngerIt's not over till the fat lady sings
Du vett at det er noge på gangYou know something's going on
når min fars stol gyngerwhen my father's chair is rocking
Les skriftå på plakatenRead the writing on the poster
Sjå kem som nå går i di gataSee who's walking down your street now
Det er ikkje slutt før den feite dama syngerIt's not over till the fat lady sings

Dieter Meyers Inst.

The English translation is taken from

Dieter Meyers Inst.

Dieter Meyer's Inst.

Legg meg inn på din avdelingCommit me to your ward
Legg meg inn på klinikkenCommit me to the clinic
Eg er sikker eg er galI'm sure I'm crazy
De tok i frå meg alt eg varThey took everything that I was away from me
Legg meg inn, legg meg inn på klinikkenCommit me. Commit me to the clinic
For eg får aldri tilbake alt det som var'Cause I'll never regain what's been lost
Det blei som du fortalteIt happened like you said
Alt blei som du saEverything happened like you predicted
Nå ser du meg aldri igjenNow you'll never see me again
og du var aldri minand you were never mine
men eg er for alltid dinbut I'm forever yours
Legg meg innCommit me
Fortell verden eg er sjuk doktorTell the world that I am sick, doctor
Du er min patronYou are my benefactor
La meg få stempel på Dieter Meyers Inst. ogGive me a stamp from Dieter Meyer's Inst. and
legg meg inncommit me
Eg har ingen kontroll påI have no control over
om eg er våken eller soverwhether I'm awake or I'v sleeping
Reglement på reglementRule after rule
å forholde seg til i håveto follow
Der ser du sånn går detThere you see how it goes
Sjå kva det har blitt av megSee what has become of me
Ingen lenger kjenner megNo one knows me anymore
Få tilbake litt av megGive me back some of the old me
Alltid trø forsiktige stegAlways tread softly
Eg er halv mann, og det bærer pregI am half a man, and it shows
Nå vil eg ha litt av degNow I want some of you
Du er min redningYou are my salvation
Takk for din donasjonThanks for your donation
Eg må bli lagt inn på Dieter Meyers Inst.I must be committed to Dieter Meyer's Inst.
Legg meg inn på Dieter Meyer, babyCommit me to Dieter Meyer, baby

Die Polizei

Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

The English translation is taken from

Background information about the song:

Every December 22nd, Janove and Geir go to "Kalas". A festive get-together where old buddies from Bryne meet, hang out, drink, and update each other on what's happening in their lives. A tradition that began with a birthday party for Kris in 1995, which has continued every year since. Every year Janove or Geir makes a new "Kalas song" which is performed together at the piano later that evening. This slightly pompous mens'-choir-song style fits Kaizers very well, so two-three of the songs have, after a total lyrical renovation and improvement of basic melodies, made their way into the Kaizer catalog. The most well-known is probably "Mr Kaizer, hans Constanze & meg", but Die Polizei was also another Kalas song.

Die Polizei is from the Maestro era, and continues the story of Vicente from "Delikatessen", who escapes from Dieter Meyer's Institution on a draisine with a suitcase full of documents. The escape ends in Germany where he is arrested by the police and questioned. The conversation in the refrain, where the interrogator addresses the accused in English, is an exact copy of Jim Jarmusch's interpretation of how German Nazis talk in interrogations in old war films, from his own film "Blue in the Face". A lovely scene we felt just had to be set to a tone. "Good thing they don't usually sing in English, with that pronunciation!" We've heard it, yes. Bat vi ar spiking it cherman style, vid ze purpes, ja!? As our dear fans know, this is a popular live closer for us. Fun chorus to sing together with a sold-out house and a good, pompous atmosphere. Thank you! See you next time… Herr Polizei… you'll never find me again, because I've gone off the path… Safe travels!

Die Polizei

The police

Det var seint og eg var på vei i fra Tyskland til PolenIt was late, and I was on my way from Germany to Poland
De vil ha alt eg har hørt, og alt eg har settThey want to know about all I have heard, and all I have seen
Die polizei, die polizei, die polizeiThe police, the police, the police
De vil ha alt eg har hørt, die polizeiThey want to know about all I have heard, and all I have seen, the police
Og det var blitt kjent eg bar på et dokumentAnd they had found out that I carried a document
av en sånn karakter som gjorde at de tok meg innof a kind that made them take me in
og spurte meg utand question me
Die polizei, die polizei, die polizeiThe police, the police, the police
De tok meg inn, de spurte meg ut, die polizeiThey took me in, they questioned me, the police
We know who you areWe know who you are
We know everything about youWe know everything about you
And we know where you liveAnd we know where you live
Men Herr polizei, Herr polizeiBut Mr. police, Mr. police
Du finner meg aldri igjenYou will never find me again
for eg har gått av stien, Herr polizei'cause I have left the path, Mr. police
Du ser meg aldri igjenYou will never see me again
Og eg sprang. Gud vett kor eg sprangAnd I ran. God knows how I ran
Men eg såg ingentingBut I didn't see anything
For alt eg vett sprang eg i ringAs far as I know, I ran in circles
Men de klarte ikkje følga medBut they couldn't follow me
Die polizei, die polizei, die polizeiThe police, the police, the police
De klarte ikkje følga med, die polizeiThey couldn't follow me, the police

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