(Original auf www.kaizers.no, Backup des Textes hier)

Sorry - nur auf Englisch...

Kaizers Orchestra's conquest of Europe has started. First push: Sweden and Göteborg.
Contrary to other assault teams that have invaded foreign countries, Kaizers were welcomed as heroes in the neighbor country. Over 500 Swedes were screaming themselves near unconsciousness when Janove & co. fired off their rockets yesterday.

- A fantastic atmosphere. Really hot. Everybody singing along. Crazy, Janove sums up. The leader was impressed about the welcome in Sweden.

- Yes, after the pretty much ice-cold reviews from Aftonbladet's so-called "know it all" (?) last month, it was alright to experience that the Swedes generally don't share his view of Kaizers.

Aalbord and Denmark tonight. Europe lies open.

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9.9.2005: Blitzkrieg in Richtung Kontinent