Background information about the song:

Beatrice is vagrantly wandering about in her tumble-down house, and she's talking to herself and to all the demons she is fighting in her head. As usual, she is clad in her old wedding dress, smelling of gasoline and vodka, with a cigarette in the corner of her mouth. She also went through a hard school with all her thoughts. She's been in an existential crisis ever since Kenneth ran aways with Violeta, and Beatrice has been incapable of action and unable to get a grip on her life, and she now developed a twisted and different philosophy of life. A five-four-time philosophy. After the explosion (Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice), she actually sees all the links clearly again. The experiences are amplified like in a natural psychadelic ecstacy. The boundaries between dream, fantasy, and reality are blurred. She praises all the beautiful things that her talents can give, and she mocks Kenneth, who is a realist and doesn't believe in other energies than those that can be measured. She rants about creativity, dreams, and the power of thoughts, and she asks rhetorically if these things aren't real as well? She threatens that those who cannot manage to imagine the alternative must obviously be dead. She reminds Kenneth that even though he was naturally born, this doesn't mean that he gets a natural death...

Femtakt filosofi

Five-four time philosophy

Eg gjekk sju år på et akademiI attended an academy for seven years
Intellektuell lobotomiIntellectual lobotomy
Alt eg kan får plass på et papirEverything I know fits on a paper
Dagar kommer, så forsvinner deDays come, and then they disappear
Så nettene, men ingen husker deThen the nights, but nobody remembers them
Koss i helvete vett du ka du skal bliHow in hell do you know what you should become
Sjøl om du er naturlig fødtEven if you are naturally born
Betyr det ikkje at du får en naturlig dødit doesn't mean that you get a natural death
Nå går me snart inn i vintertidOh, now it is almost winter
Som er like vakkert som sommartidWhich is just as beautiful as summer
Snøen daler som fjær der han ligger kvitSnow falls like feathers where it lies all white
Og venter på at våren blir fargerikAnd waits for the spring to be colorful
Og tenk han som slepper å tenka påAnd think of him who doesn't need to think about
Alt det som går an, opp i mot alt det som ikkje kan gå anEverything that happens, up against everything that cannot happen
Men han må jo vær dødBut he must be dead
Sei meg kor ifrå er kreativitetTell me what creativity stems from
Drømmer som blir til virkelighetDreams that become reality
Hvis du kan tenka det er det realitet, Kenneth?If you can imagine it, is it reality, Kenneth?
Keffor sjå på det ukjente som en banalitetWhy regard the unknown as a banality
Når en drøm er frihet i all enkelhetIf a dream is simply freedom
Like simpelt som en tone på trompetJust as simple as a tone on the trumpet
Og sett at eg kan lesa inni håndå diAnd, assuming that I can read your palm
eller stjernene som et alternativOr the stars, alternatively
Ka skal du sei hvis me treffes igjen i neste livWhat will you say if we meet again in the next life?
Då skal du vel seiThen you will probably say
Hei hei hei. Skal du denne vei?Hey hey hey. Are you going this way?
Hei hei hei. Visst faen skal eg denne veiHey hey hey. Hell yeah I'm going this way!

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Femtakt filosofi