I ett med verden

Background information about the song:

Here we get a glimpse of what is simmering inside Kenneth's head at the time when everything peaks, and he decides to escape from his crazy wife and take his daughter with him. All the strange things that are happening around him boil down to one simple conclusion: Get away! After a long period of planning, a period where everything is apparently hunky dory, as if nothing had happened or would happen, the time is finally right to carry out the plan - and take ONE with him ...

I ett med verden

As one with the world

Det er fucked up å våkne oppIt's fucked up to wake up
kver morgen til en stemme inni hovetevery morning to a voice inside your head
som seier; Stikk Kenneth!that says: Get away Kenneth!
Etter nok ei lang nattAfter another long night
med pumping og ulingwith pumping and howling
frå min fru som står brud oppe på loftetof my wife who turns into a bride up in the attic
Du har to valg. Enten å henge deg i mønåYou have two choices: Either hang yourself in the roof ridge
eller forsvinne, og bli usynligor disappear and become invisible
for du går i ett med verdenbecause you become as one with the world
Men eg reiser ikkje aleinaBut I won't leave on my own
Eg kommer til å ta en med megI'll take one with me
Og når min fru er demon, og mi datter engelAnd if my wife is a demon, and my daughter an angel
så er valget enkeltthen the choice is easy
Hopp ut av balkongen i vilden skyJump down from the balcony, unrestrained
Tusen lys blinker ut av gamlebyenA thousand lights are flickering in the old town
Du er meg, og eg er degYou are me, and I am you
Sammen er me en, når eg tar deg medTogether we are one, when I take you with me
ut og inn av periferiout and into the periphery
Det var hysj hysj mellom megThere was hush hush between me
og min Violetaand my Violeta
som om ingenting hadde hendt eller sko skjeas if nothing had happened or should happen
Det var kyss kyss mellom megIt was kiss kiss between me
og min Beatriceand my Beatrice
Som et glansbilde gikk me og sangLike a glossy picture we went, singing
alle tre, så herall three of us, so here
Lo lai lo lai lo lai lo lailailailaiLo lo lai lai lai lo lo lailailailai

Støv og sand

Background information about the song:

Beatrice has just composed herself after having survived the attempt to blow herself up, and having saved herself from the flames with the help of her seven buckets of tears. She takes up the hunt after father and daughter, who have now been on the run for seven years. Huge forces are at work, she is like a fury, and storms come up wherever she goes. Kenneth is told by Cecilia that Beatrice is on their track, and so he must remain in constant motion and always try to stay a step ahead. Kenneth fears what Beatrice might do with him if she finds them, and hopes that he can tie Violeta so strongly to him that she will stand up against her mother on his behalf if she were suddenly to stand before them, like a devil, in her burnt wedding dress.

Støv og sand

Dust and sand

Det går en liten jævel rundt og spør seg framThere's a little devil going around, asking her way
Om nogen har sett hennes eks av en mannWhether anyone has seen her ex of a man           
Det kommer røyk ut av kjeften, det er blod på tannThere's smoke coming out of her mouth, there's blood on her tooth
Og når hu går, legger hu bak seg ei sky av støv og sandAnd when she walks, she leaves a cloud of dust and sand behind
Rett bak deg er det støv og sandRight behind you there is dust and sand                           
Om det som står av profetier inni Bibelen er santIf all that is written about prophecies in the bible is true
kan det virke som om han der nere har ett og aent på gangit might seem as if he down there has one or two things going on
Du skal kjenne han igjen, enten det er kvinne eller mannYou will recognize him, whether it's a woman or man
når han stiger ut i ei sky av støv og sandwhen he steps out in a cloud of dust and sand
Rett bak deg er det støv og sandRight behind you there is dust and sand
Det er hull i min kalender, og min trailer har full tankThere are gaps in my calendar, and my trailer has a full tank
Eg ser ikkje bak meg lenger. Lever nå, og tenker framI don't look behind me anymore. Live now, and think ahead
Kom kom kom an BB. Kom kom kom anCome come come on BB. Come come come on
Eg skal regna på deg og ditt støv og din sandI will count on you and your dust and your sand
Rett bak deg er det støv og sandRight behind you there is dust and sand

Tusen dråper regn

Background information about the song:

Violeta runs from her father and brother one full moon night in Singapore. She is 14 years now and has finally managed to develop her abilities enough to make contact with her mother through dreams and thoughts. They agree to meet outside of the highest skyscraper in Tokyo at a given time. But before she gets there, she must shake off the shadow that races after her. It cannot be her father, because he cannot keep up with her. It must be his brother, who is capable of withstanding Violeta's obstacles. She moves heaven and earth and manages to make it rain so hard that he drowns. At least that's what she thinks ...

Tusen dråper regn

A thousand drops of rain

Eg ser at i kveld henger månen lågtI see that tonight the moon is hanging low   
Og eg vett han må ha sett det eg sågAnd I know he must have seen what I saw
Eg springer langs skinnene og hopper på et togI run along the tracks and jump on a train
Og det er bare meg og minnene frå et vondt årAnd it's just me and the memories of a bad year
Ikkje alle ville vært en diamantAnd not everyone would want to be a diamond
Hatt evig liv og vært pryd for en fantLive forever and be an adornment for a hobo
Nei du må heller sikle etter meg som ditt smykkeNo, you should rather lick your lips to have me for your jewelry 
Me skyter av gårde langs bakkenWe speed away across the ground  
Eg kjenner du puster meg i nakkenI feel you breathing down my neck
Det er som et dødsskrik når bremsene viser livstegnIt's like a death scream when the brakes show signs of life
Og me knuser tusen dråper regnAnd we shatter a thousand drops of rain  
Eg ser at i kveld henger månen lågtI see that tonight the moon is hanging low
Og eg vett han må ha sett det eg sågAnd I know he must have seen what I saw
Eg trenger ingen forklaring for å forståI need no explanation to understand
din forretning med bror din. Han kom ut av det blåyour business with your brother. He came out of the blue 
Ikkje alle kan forsvinne i en vindAnd not everyone can go with the wind
ta farvel og late som ingentingSay goodbye and pretend it's nothing
Det kan sjå ut som du vinkerIt might look like you're waving
men eg ser på når du druknerBut I watch while you drown
Me skyter avgårde langs bakkenWe speed away across the ground
Eg kjenner du puster meg i nakkenI feel you breathing down my neck
Det er som et dødsskrik når bremsene viser livstegnIt's like a death scream when the brakes show signs of life
Og me knuser tusen dråper regnAnd we shatter a thousand drops of rain
Og me skyter ut av tunellerAnd we shoot out of the tunnels
Barnelatter har aldri vært så vakkerChildren's laughter has never been so beautiful 
Det er som et dødsskrik når bremsene viser livstegnIt's like a death scream when the brakes show signs of life
Og me knuser tusen dråper regnAnd we shatter a thousand drops of rain
Barnelatter har aldri vært så vakkerChildren's laughter has never been so beautiful

Drøm videre, Violeta

Background information about the song:

Violeta remembers more and more of the past and has started to see through her father's one-sided propaganda against her mother. She also understands that she has an own extraordinary power, and has started to put her full potential into effect. She is drawn towards her mother, and the association between the two is strengthened every day. After seven years on the run, Violeta is ready. She flees from her father and his brother in Singapore, manages to shake them off, and finds her way back to her childhood home. There, she picks all her mother's thoughts and dreams. This is when she understands that she will meet her mother for the first time in seven years. She's a big girl now. Her mother promises her a life like no other. And when she has thawed the last bucket of ice, she understands what her mother wants and that they have been closer than she first thought. Violeta does like her mother told her in her dreams and travels right to the highest skyscraper in Tokyo ...

Drøm videre Violeta

Dream on Violeta

Hands up. Pengene eller livetHands up. Money or life
Du stod, og måtte telle til hundreYou stood there and had to count to one hundred
Og du såg mellom fingrane dineAnd you peeked through your fingers
Eg låg og lurte en time i sivetI lay waiting in the reeds for an hour
Om kvelden var du oppe på loftet og sangAt night you were up in the attic and sang
Månen var full og me ulte på hanThe moon was full, and we howled at it
Nettene var korte og dagen var for langThe nights were short and the day was too long
Det var magiske timer me hadde sammen den gongThose were magical times that we had together back then
Og du heiste meg til skyene, og enda lenger oppAnd you raised me up to the clouds, and even higher up 
Eg var din akrobat, og eg dalte alltid rett inn i armane dineI was your acrobat, and I always fell right into your arms
Me måtte vært sommerfugler om me sko ha følt oss friareOnly butterflies could have felt any freer than we
Og far stod og smilte, og vinkte, ner på bakken og sågAnd Dad stood and smiled and waved, down on the ground and watched
Men det var den gong dåBut that was back then
Me har det ikkje sånn lenger nåIt's different now
Me deler på en hemmelighetWe share a secret
Drømmane dine som me grov nerYour dreams that we dug in
De vokser opp av bakken når det regner nerThey grow out of the ground when it rains down
Eg ser det på deg frå mi sengI see it in you from my bed
Drømmer som vokser som ei blomsterengDreams that grow like a flower meadow
Og en heilt spesiell og vakker dagAnd one very special and beautiful day
Springer eg over gjerdene alt eg harI'll leap over the fence with all I have
Eg kommer til å plukke dine drømmar til bakken er barI'm going to pick your dreams until the ground is bare
Du heiste meg lenger, og lenger, og lenger og enda lenger oppYou raised me higher, and higher, and higher and even higher up
Eg var din akrobat, og eg dalte alltid rett inn i armane dineI was your acrobat, and I always fell right into your arms
Me måtte vært sommerfugler om me sko ha følt oss friareOnly butterflies could have felt any freer than we
Og far stod og smilte, og vinkte, ner på bakken og sågAnd dad stood and smiled and waved, down on the ground and watched
Men det var den gong dåBut that was back then
Me har det ikkje sånn lenger nåIt's different now
Eg vil ha det sånn eg hadde detI want it to be like it was
Du gjorde det umuligeYou did the impossible
Du ga oss følelsen at alt kunne skjeYou gave us the feeling that anything could happen
Det var kaniner i hattenThere were rabbits in the hat
Eg venta på elefantenI waited for the elephant
Du drog på kaniner opp av hattenYou took the rabbits out of the hat
Eg stod å venta på elefantenI was waiting for the elephant

Far til datter

Background information about the song:

There is a psychological power struggle between father and daughter. She rattles off doomsday prophecies to her father, while her father complains about his daughter's growing independence. Not only that her personality grows more and more like her mother's, but as she gets older, it also shines through that she has inherited her mother's facial features, and for him, one such smile is enough ...

Far til datter

Father to daughter

Kvel din sorg i ei bøtte med vannDrown your sorrow in a bucket of water
og fold dine hender så hardt du kanand fold your hands as hard as you can  
Heile havet reiser seg og ser mot landThe entire ocean rises and looks towards the land
og mot deg og di borg av sandand towards you and your castle of sand
Far til datter seier, kom til papa komFather to daughter says, come to Daddy, come
Sett deg på mitt kne og fortell meg omSit down on my knee and tell me about
når eg ikkje er her, er du ensom?when I'm not here, are you lonely?
Du har arva ditt smil etter di mor, fuck!You inherited your mother's smile, fuck!
Ett sånt smil er nokOne such smile is enough 

Faen i båten

Background information about the song:

It's boiling in Kenneth's head when he thinks about what position he brought himself into. He married the wrong woman, had a child with the wrong woman, kidnapped the child, and is now living on the run with a devil on his heels. And in addition, he basically plans outright human trafficking in Lahore with his criminal and gifted brother. Life has taken some strange twists for Kenneth. He is pretty stressed out, but still highly motivated and sharpened. To keep the fire burning, he constantly proclaims to himself that: If you took the devil on board, your job is to row him ashore ...

Faen i båten

Devil in the boat

Har du tatt faen i båtenIf you took the devil on board,
må du ro han i landyou must row him ashore

Gresk komedie

Background information about the song:

When Kenneth was 17, he and his three years older brother committed a robbery together. The robbery went according to plan, everything seemed to end happily for the brothers, when one day, the police suddenly barged in and arrested the big brother. It turned out that Kenneth had yielded to the temptation to brag about the accomplishments to buddies during one of his frequent bar rounds, which reached the police's ears. The investigators had no other specific traces to go by, and therefore they promised Kenneth full immunity if he 1. ratted on his brother 2. promised to stop drinking vodka 3. never ever met his brother again. In the end, young Kenneth succumbed to the pressure and told on his brother, who, in turn, went to jail and was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment. Naturally enough, Kenneth was full of remorse for this, and kept secret contact with his brother through his brother's girlfriend Cecilia, who eventually introduced Kenneth to his girlfriend, Beatrice ...

When his brother many years later hears about Kenneth's disappearance and Violeta's increasing abilities, he starts to come up with a plan for the next coup, together with his brother; to sell Violeta on the market in Lahore, Pakistan, where he knows they will get a great price for a person with such abilities. Kenneth agrees to the proposal, because he owes his brother a favor, but also because his daughter is becoming more and more like her mother ... So now the brothers are reunited, with a big plan on their hands. All the bad is forgiven and forgotten. It was sad before, now we can laugh!

Gresk komedie

Greek comedy

Javel, ja det var lenge siWell, yes, long since we last met
Kor har du vært? Koss var det der?Where have you been? How was it there?
Kva skal du bli?What do you want to be?
Eg hører veien var langI hear the way was long
Gjennom støv og sandThrough dust and sand
Så de tok deg for det din bror gjordeSo they took you in for what your brother did
Eg gav de deg og de tok meg på ordetI gave you to them, and they took me at my word
Ja, kva kan en seiWell, what can you say
Blodet renner tynt der hos deiThe blood is running thin there with them
Du kan sei at eg har sett min andelYou can say that I have seen my share
av skyggesidens varehandelof the dark side's commodity trade
Og du kan truAnd you can believe
Har du først begynt kan du ikkje snuOnce you've started you can't go back
Har du først fått smaken vil du ha meirOnce you've gotten the taste, you want more
Er ikkje rakettforskning hellerIt's not rocket science either
For me har spelt med de kortå som var allerede deltBecause we played with the cards that had already been dealt
Før var det trist, nå kan me leIt was sad before, now we can laugh
som i en gresk komedielike in a Greek comedy
Det er tusen ting som me kan siktes forThere are a thousand things that we can be accused of
Det skal eg ikkje nekte forI won't deny that
Men én ting eg har lært om paragrafer, SirBut one thing I have learned about paragraphs, Sir
Det smarteste er å stryke på dørThe smartest thing is to get away
For ingen ser oss bak min datter VioletaBecause no one can see us behind my daughter Violeta
Hu har et smil som kan smelte et kvert hjertaShe has a smile that can melt every heart
av steinof stone
Selektert frå den ypperste familiegrein!Selected from the finest family branches!


Background information about the song:

Kenneth and his brother adorn themselves with beautiful Violeta. She captures all the attention and they hide behind that. It's a delight. Kenneth is intoxicated with pride and convinced that this plan is as airtight as the one that he and his brother performed 14 years ago was. But does he actually have full insight into what his brother's plan is all about? And why doesn't Violeta wear the precious ring that she got from her parents anymore? Was it really taken by a raven, as she claims?



Eg vil ha deg som pynt.I want you as an ornament
Eg vil ta deg med i min dansI want you to join me in my dance
Ikkje ta det så tungtDon't take it so hard
Heller heng deg om min halsBetter hold around my neck
Du er min kunst og du er min blomsterkransYou are my art and you are my flower garland
Sei kva du synsSay what you want
Eg drysser på komplimentI sprinkle with compliments
Kor tid er det nok?When is it enough?
Kor tid er det nok syns du skatt?When is it enough, what do you think, darling?
Du maler som en pus som maler svartYou purr like a kitty that paints it black
Eg har ikkje tall på kor mange kyssI cannot count how many kisses
vinden har tattthe wind has taken
eller kaniner som hopper utor rabbits that jump out
av din flosshattof your top hat
Du skinner, åh som silver, om min halsYou shine, oh like silver, around my neck
Men én ting. En siste ting.But one thing. One last thing
Har du tatt av din arv på din ringfingDid you take your heritage off your ring finger
Eller blei an stjålen av en ravnOr was it stolen by a raven
rett av fingen dinright off your finger
Først var an minFirst it was mine
så mor din sinthen your mother's
så dinthen yours
og nå en ravn sinand now a raven's
Men du skinner fortsatt Violeta minBut you still shine, my Violeta
Plukker solå ned som en konfekt med appelsinPick the sun down like an orange praline
Graver dine drømmer nerBury your dreams
perfekte i et skrinperfect in a shrine
Du kan vær i min drømYou can be in my dream
hvis eg får vær i dinIf I get to be in yours
Du skinner, åh som silver, om min halsYou shine, oh like silver, around my neck


Background information about the song:

The same power and influence that Kenneth's big brother had over him when they were younger is revived after the brothers' reunion. Kenneth is now totally committed to his dominant brother; he's happily reunited, and he convinced himself that all the bad things are history and that the wound he inflicted on their relationship through his betrayal 14 years ago is now healed and forgotten. He feels that he's finally complete again, and that he's finally the owner of the enormous power again that togetherness ideally can generate.



Som et bål under en kjettarLike a fire under a heretic
Som en hai du aldri kan mettaLike a shark you can never saturate
Som en feil du aldri kan rettaLike an error you can never fix
Som en rakett når den først har lettaLike a rocket once it has lifted off
Brikkene faller en etter en etter enThe pieces fall one by one by one
Snart faller alleSoon they all fall
Du er min dominoYou are my domino
Eg elsker din effektI love your effect
Råtne historier gjennom sprukne lepperRotten stories through cracked lips
Alt som gjekk galt har me feid under teppetWhatever went wrong, we've swept it under the carpet
Du er min svirebrorYou are my booze buddy
Uten deg er eg defektWithout you I'm defective
Du er min dominoYou are my domino
Eg elsker din effektI love your effect

Den romantiske tragedien

Background information about the song:

Violeta is reunited with her mother. Father and brother are left at a safe distance. Beatrice promises a better life after death, but that's only if you want it. It will be fabulously great only if Violeta herself decides to jump off the skyscraper from the 1000th floor and down to the ground. Violeta has always wanted to be like her mother when she grows up. She leans out and joins her mother, hand in hand in the air, towards eternity and asks: Do you think that I have grown up now, mom ...?

Den romantiske tragedien

The romantic tragedy

Dørene glir opp, stig påThe doors slide up, get in
Du kan få lov å trykke på knappenYou may press the button
Heile veien opp i det blåThe whole way up into the blue
Velkommen til den tusende etasjenWelcome to the thousandth floor
Me har all verdens tid på oss nåWe have all the time in the world for us now
Du har så mange spørsmål og svar skal du fåYou have so many questions and you shall get answers
Når du passerer kver etasje mot bakken i ekstaseWhile you pass every floor to the ground in ecstasy
Hold mi hånd fast, stå med di tåHold my hand firmly, stand with your toes 
sånn som di mor, heilt ut på kantenlike your mother, right at the edge
Og ikkje vær du redd, du har jo lovAnd don't be afraid, since you have permission
Det svir alltid litt med klump i halsenIt always stings a bit with a lump in the throat
Åh, om din far kunne sett oss to nåOh, if your father could see us two now
Du er så tapperYou are so brave
Og du har heller aldri vært så vakker som nåAnd you have never been as beautiful as now
Tørk dine tårer og såDry your tears and then
Lener du deg framYou lean forward
Enda littegrannJust a little bit more
Du lener deg framYou lean forward
Du lener deg framYou lean forward
Eg vett at du kanI know that you can
Du vett at du kanYou know that you can
1000, 900, 800.....1000, 900, 800 ...
Kjenner du det går bedre nå?Do you feel how it's getting better now?
Det er som om ingenting er bak degIt's like nothing is behind you
Alt går i sakte kino ogEverything is in slow motion and
alt du har er rett framfor degall you have is right in front of you
Det er bare snakk om sekunder igjen nåIt's just a matter of seconds now
Hold fast mi hånd ut livet og sjåHold my hand out of this life and see
at du og meg fortsatt holder hender i neste liv ogthat you and me still hold hands in the next life and
Du lener deg framYou lean forward
Enda littegrannJust a little bit more
500, 400, 300, 200, 100500, 400, 300, 200, 100
Eg har alltid hatt lyst til å bli som deg når eg blir stor morI've always wanted to be like you when I grow up mom
Syns du nå at eg er blitt stor mor?Do you think now that I've grown up mom?

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Violeta, Violeta Vol. II