Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

We tend to be in agreement on which songs are good enough to wager on, we are quite compatible like that, but there was a bit of disagreement about this one. Some felt that the "doomsday country" quota had been filled up with Hevnervals from Evig Pint, while others thought it was an up-tempo breath of fresh air that there absolutely was room for on Maestro. As we know, the benefit of the doubt was never given to the innocent this time, and "Medisin & Psykiatri" remained unrecorded.

It has been performed live a number of times, and on the last round we did it, fall 2008, we had worked out a new and improved arrangement with the solo theme as a pompous intro. We felt that elevated the song and made it ripe for a proper recording.

Vicente is the protagonist in these lyrics, the same man who in "På ditt skift" manages to escape from Dieter Meyer's Inst. Vicente is not sick in ways other than being rebellious, and in "Medisin & Psykiatri" he plans what he later succeeds in on "På ditt skift", namely to be the first to run away from DMI, and on the boss's shift at that.

The story of Vicente continues on the Maestro song "Delikatessen" where he, as a free man, describes Delikatessen as the worst ward in DMI. Additionally, it is documents from here that he is later stopped with on the way to Poland in the song "Die Polizei".

Medisin & psykiatri

Medicine & psychiatry

Morgen kommer til en heilt ny dagIt's the morning of a brand new day
Du med dine spørsmål og meg med mine svarYou with your questions and I with my answers
Gi meg medisin, gi meg psykiatriGive me medicine, give me psychiatry
Eg gir deg ingenting annet enn mi tidI don't give you anything but my time
Morgen kommer til en heilt ny dagIt's the morning of a brand new day
Til mitt besvær og til ditt behagWith my discomfort and your pleasure
Du ser på meg og trekker din konklusjonYou look at me and draw your conclusion
Og i Dieter Meyers navn...And in Dieter Meyer's name ...
Du trekker din konklusjon i Dieter Meyers navnYou draw your conclusion in Dieter Meyer's name
De kler meg av, de kler meg av, de kler meg avThey undress me, they undress me, they undress me
De gir meg spørsmål og eg gir deg svarThey ask me questions and I give you answers
Men eg har tenkt, og eg har tenkt og eg har tenktBut I've been thinking, and I've been thinking and thinking
Dette her er min dag. Nå stikker eg avThis is my day. Now I run
For eg vil ut, for eg vil ut, for eg vil utBecause I want to get out, I want to get out, want to get out
De tok meg inn men det er kun for eg blei lurtThey admitted me, but only because I was fooled
Her kommer eg til å blø, til å blø til eg dørI will be bleeding here, bleeding until I die
Nå stikker eg av på ditt skift, herr DirektørNow I will run away during your shift, Mr. director
Morgen kommer til en heilt ny dagIt's the morning of a brand new day
Ikkje et sekund lenger. Såpass er klartNot one second longer. That's for sure
Aldri om eg ligger her den dagen eg skal døNo way that I'll be lying here on the day that I die
Nå stikker eg av på ditt skift, herr DirektørNow I will run away during your shift, Mr. director

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Medisin & psykiatri