Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

This is yet another example of what we call a "genre song", in this case a blues rock song. Even though we like a lot of music in this genre ourselves, we think it is difficult to find our place in it. That is the main reason that "Den sjette sansen" was cut from the Maskineri album.

Like "Medisin & Psykiatri", this is also a song we have played quite a few times live. Therefore, we have gotten a number of inquiries about whether it will be released, and finally we have found a place for it.

The lyrics are a sort of surrealist reflection over a life lived so far, and what one eventually could do differently if one got a second chance. Like the other lyrics on Maskineri, it is not a part of a conceptual story but uses themes we often engage with: the big questions in life, and life after death. Nothing less.

Den sjette sansen

The sixth sense

Eg sko likt og sett mitt liv i perspektivI would have liked to see my life from the perspective
i frå et helikopterout of a helicopter
Og zoomt inn med lupe og studertAnd to zoom in with a magnifying glass and study
mine avgjørende punktermy decisive features
Men sjøl om det er ingenting eg kunne gjort omBut even though there is nothing I could have changed
hadde det vært til hjelp i mitt neste liv omit would have been of help in my next life if
eg fekk sjå mitt liv i perspektiv frå et helikopterI got to see my life from the perspective of a helicopter
Og det hadde vært interessant og skrudd opp lyden ogAnd it would have been interesting to turn up the volume and
hørt kva det var eg snakkte omhear what I was talking about
Men du måtte skrudd kraftig opp volumetBut you would have to turn the volume up a lot
for så mange ord var tommebecause so many words were empty
Men oppe i det blå er det bare bråk fra propellerBut up in the blue there is only the noise from the propellers
Eg står ikkje inne for det eg sa hellerI don't stand up for what I said either
men det kunne vært interessant og skrudd opp lydenbut it could have been interesting to turn up the volume
og hørt kva det var eg snakkte om.and hear what I was talking about.
Om eg bare hadde et minimum av kontrollIf only I had a minimum of control
på det eg har snakkt omover what I talked about
Om bare kvert år hadde vært en sesongIf only every year had been a season
hadde eg snakkt om større ting neste gongI would have talked about bigger things next time
Og eg håper det er heim eg skal,And I hope I'm going home,
når eg ser en ambulansewhen I see an ambulance
Hadde eg visst det eg vett i dagHad I known what I know today
hadde eg hatt et snev av en sjangseI would have had a ghost of a chance
Men alt eg gjor når livet gjekk meg imot var å dansaBut all I did when life wasn't kind to me was dance
Til slutt sa det stopp for både meg og mitt hjertaFinally, it was the end for both me and my heart
Eg håper det er heim eg skal, når eg ser en ambulanseI hope I'm going home when I see an ambulance

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Den sjette sansen