Background information about the song:

The song of fate. Mother and daughter, brother and maid of honor, father and Devil summarize. They were all pawns in a game. They all realize what their places are on both sides of life, and they sum up their fate. Nothing could have changed the hands of time. It ended as it was always meant to end. The first verse is sung by the maid of honor and the brother. It was always these two. The second verse is sung by the father and the Devil. It was always these two. The last verse is sung by the mother, Violeta, and Violeta. It was always these three ...


Six-leaf clover

Med hånd på hjerta og ti kniver i halsenWith the hand on your heart and ten knives in your throat
danste du med feil steg i den valsenyou danced that waltz with the wrong steps
Og det svir med en klump i brystetAnd it stings with a lump in your breast
Det sko ha vært meir tunge i det kyssetThere should have been more tongue in that kiss
Du kan skylde alt på meg. Det har du lov tilYou can blame it all on me. You're allowed to do that
Eg kan sei at eg angrer for alltidI can say that I regret forever
Men uten meg ingen mor datter siluetterBut without me, no mother daughter silhouettes
Uten meg ingen drøm om VioletaWithout me, no dream of Violeta
Eg var din forlover. Eg lover meir enn eg holderI was your maid of honor. I promise more than I live up to
Nå får me sjå kva eg tåler. Du kommer mens eg soverNow we'll get to see what I can handle. You come by while I am sleeping
Eg skal gi deg mitt ærlige svarI'll give you my honest answer
Eg trudde faktisk at me to var braActually, I thought that we two were good
Men du var for stor for meg, det var ting som du saBut you were too big for me, there were things that you said
Nå må eg angre for alltid for at eg stakk avNow I have to regret forever that I ran away
Om eg fekk gjort noe om igjenIf I got to do anything over again
Fått ønsket mitt oppfyllt av KongenGot my wish fulfilled by the King
Sko eg aldri gitt slepp på ballongenI should never have let go of the balloon
heller svevt over skyene sammenrather floated above the clouds together
Eg var din forlover...I was your maid of honor ...
Sju bøtter tårer er nok, BeatriceSeven buckets of tears is enough, Beatrice
Me delte på en hemmelighetWe shared a secret
Drømmene dine som me grov nerYour dreams that we dug in
De vokste opp av bakken når det regna nerThey grew out of the ground when it rained down
Nå trenger det aldri å regna meirNow it never needs to rain anymore
Eg såg det for meg i frå mi sengI envisioned it from my bed
Drømmer som vokste som ei blomsterengDreams that grew like a flower meadow
Nå er det en heilt spesiell og vakker dagNow it is a very special and beautiful day
Reisen kan begynna nå som me er i lagThe journey can begin, now that we are together
Eg var din forlover...I was your maid of honor ...
Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice...Seven buckets of tears is enough, Beatrice ...
Å du heiste meg til skyene og enda lenger oppAnd you raised me up to the clouds, and even higher up
Eg var din akrobat og eg dalte alltid rett inn i armene dineI was your acrobat, and I always fell right into your arms
Me måtte vært sommerfugler om me sko ha følt oss friereOnly butterflies could have felt any freer than we
Og far stod og smilte og vinkte ner på bakken og sågAnd dad stood and smiled and waved, down on the ground and watched

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