
Waaah! Now, what was that? That was just perfect!

It started with the Backstage being half empty when HGH entered the stage. People applauded, yes, but nothing more than that…
And then the Backstage filled up. Completely. I had picked a great spot this time – the Backstage Werk looks a little like a swimming pool. There’s space for pogo in the middle and then wide stairs leading up from it, so if you stand there, you have a great view of the stage and of the people in the centre. And this was more than just impressive! It was so cool I had to turn my camera into a video camera once in a while, even though it’s too bad for that and doesn’t even record sound… =;-) But it was just amazing.

Even before the show started, the crowd shouted “Kaizers! Kaizers!” – and very loud, louder than it would happen before the encore at some other shows. So that was when I realized this concert would be perfect – no matter what Kaizers would do on stage. But they also delivered an amazing show, so the audience had all rights to celebrate.

As always, here comes the setlist: Ompa til du dør, Bøn fra helvete, Hevnervals, Delikatessen, Container, Veterans klage, Mann mot mann, Kontroll på kontinentet, Jævel av en tango, KGB, 9mm, Die grind, Senor Flamingos Adieu, Blitzregn Baby, Katastrofen, 170. First encore: Bak et halleluja, Maestro, second encore: Min kvite russer, Resistansen.

There’s not really a lot to report – it was the atmosphere that was special. There wasn’t too much extraordinary happening at the concert. Some things even went wrong… Suddenly the Jackal was holding a mike without cable, Killmaster fell and rolled over the stage in the very beginning already, the Jackal messed up the setlist and announced the wrong song – but it didn’t matter at all.

The gentleman were giving all they had, pushing themselves up, boxing each other (and Elvis *g*) and made sure they were dressed correctly (somehow the Jackal was always straightening Hellraizer’s tie or flattening his hair or whatever *g*). Already during Hevnervals, the Jackal jumped into the audience. There were long and motionless breaks during Delikatessen and 170 – and especially the one in 170 was really impressive.

At some point in time, a jersey of Braunschweig landed on stage. And as the audience started booing, the Jackal concluded this must be “the wrong team”, and so he threw it back into the audience. At the same time telling the security to “throw this guy out!” *g*

When the guitar players were up on the barrels after Mann mot mann, the Jackal announced Hellraizer (in German!) as “the only guitar player nobody wants to copy!” *rofl*

And then we had to guess the next song. We got exactly one note to guess from – and the audience started cheering wildly. Sure, it was Kontroll på kontinentet.

All in all, we had to sing along very often of course. And even at places that normally the Jackal is singing, for example during Jævel av en tango. And everything worked out perfectly, and the audience was very loud.

As first encore we didn’t get Du og dine this time, but Bak et halleluja. Which everybody seemed to know, and people clapped along even in the very back.

The second encore was Min kvite russer, just like in Nürnberg, and we had to do the singing. And just like the day before, the audience was singing long and loud while the band stood on stage with a great smile in their faces. So nice! But well, they bought us before, so it wasn’t much of a surprise… *gg* When they came back on stage, they brought everything they found backstage to the stage and threw it into the audience. So there were pears and bananas, peppers and carrots flying through the air… *rofl*

And it was also funny when Hellraizer came back on stage a little after the others (hmm, maybe he had been looking for something to eat? *g*). Mink had taken his spot on the mike – but no problem, Hellraizer just ran into him and got his place back. =;-)

Hach, it was just a splendid concert. I just wonder why the fans aren’t always as enthusiastic as in Munich. Kaizers deserve it!

Then we wanted to chat a little, but the securities wanted to close down… and as somebody was so nice to tell them my name, I could hear “Susi, go home now!” all the time from then on… *grr* Thanks a lot! *lol*

Uhm ja. Anyway, this was sooo nice. =;-)


(Spam Protection, sorry!)

Es war sooo toll!!
Aber deine Videos funktionieren irgendwie leider nicht :(
Jackie (06/11/26)

Komisch, bei mir geht’s - sonst noch jemand mit Problemen?
Susi S. (06/11/26)

Das Konzert war absolut spitze - bei mir gehen die Videos auch aber ich will mehr Bilder^^ Und falls jemand ein Video von 170 gemacht hat... Schicken! :)
Da hat mir Janove die Hand gegeben *freu*
Blion (06/11/26)

hey susi,
erinnerst dich noch? hatte dich mal ausgenutzt für ulm (; ..
erstmal schöner bericht. immer wieder toll bei dir zu lesen, vor allem wenn man selbst auch da war ;) ..
ich stand fast vor deiner nase, hatte schon angst deine fotos zu versauen (quatsch (; ), aber habs dann doch nich mehr geschafft hallo zu sagen.
super bericht, tolle fotos, schöner abend!
liebe grüße..
hopalong knut (06/11/26)

featt, war echt geil. stagedive hat prima geklappt *g*. war des erste mal bei nem kaizers konzert. Publikum hat hammerviel mitgesungen. was soll man noch sagen... genial. p.s.: KAIZERS RULEZ!! p.p.s.: mehr bilder!!
Tobi (06/11/26)

also bei mir funzen die videos einwandfrei.... arr. soo ein geiles konzert. *nostalgie* muahahaha
Myoriel (06/11/26)

tjaja, münchen halt... und es flogen auch äpfel ;)
skalala (06/11/27)

Ja soll noch in Lenis namen schreiben: Sie hat den Applaus von Janove bekommen, der ihn sich dann zwei songs später wieder abholte. war witzig wie voooorsichtig er ihn ihr überreichte...es darf ja kein ton heraus *gg*
apropos gemüse: die erste reihe bekam paprikas, karotten und Gurken und zwar mit dip (mit extreeeeeeeem viel Knoblauch) Wollten die verhindern dass sie abgeknutscht werden?? *rofl* oder eventuell Vampire verjagen? *loool*

ach ja da war ja noch was: Rune hat irgendwie ein Aggressionsproblem *gg*...Er hat Terje ne Wasserflasche an die Stirn geworfen *tztztz* Er hat draufhin Wasser aufs becken gegossen, was aber der ordnungsliebende Oyvind nicht verantworten konnte und trocknete es behutsam *lol*
und das Becken wollte schon wieder nicht auf seinem Platz bleiben *gg* Doch diesmal wollte janno wohl nicht damit Frisbe spielen ^^

Hach gott ein hammer Konzert..kann man nicht oft genug sagen..

übrigens wegen den Videos: liegt an meinem Pc...habs sie mir bei meiner Mitbewohnerin angesehen.
Jackie (06/11/27)

jo war echt ein hammergeiles konzert!!!!! backstagte werk is noch um einiges besser als backstage halle. naja und die lieder ... genial. schade nur das sie net sigoynerblod gespilet haben:(
ach ja noch was zu janove... es ist echt nicht so leicht ihn ein ganzes lied lang zu stüttzen, dass er nicht von der absperrung fällt - aber einen kaizer hält man natürlich gerne:) P.s. er hat eine ausgesprochen kaizerliche höflichkeit an den tag gelegt und sich aufs wärmste bedankt!!!!juhuu!!!
Roman (06/12/02)

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2006/11/24: München, Backstage Werk