(Original on kaizers.no, Text backup here)

Of all the unimportant and useless things you do on this earth, list-making is definitely one of the funniest. People's subjective preferences open up for exhaustless amounts of opinions and discussions. For the online newspaper side 2, Kaizers guitar player Geir Zahl got to do some hellraizing with well-known and dear artists.

- The thing was that this journalist wanted us to put together some top-five-list, about whatever, Geir explains to Kaizernews.

- None of us had any good ideas about things that we could make lists of, and that we could also agree upon, so I mentioned this facebook top five thing that I had just contributed to, a nomination that the Stavanger/Manchester shit-stirrer Simon Harmer had come up with at facebook: "Five supposedly GREAT artist that I think are SHIT." Simon himself got it started, with Bob Dylon on top, he he... But this here is a good way to confront political correctness with your ACTUAL taste!

- Your list consists of 1. Pink Floyd 2. Kiss 3. Pearl Jam 4. Leonard Cohen and 5. Joni Mitchell, and it says that you actually hate these five?

- Of course I have never said that, and of course I don't do that, with the exception of maybe Nickelback and Creed, which have also been mentioned via Pearl Jam there. Actually, it is exactly the opposite, this list has been made with affection, I like some of the things that these artists have come up with. But what this list shows, and what I stand in for 100%, is that these are artists/bands that have an excessively big star and credibility in respect to how good they actually are. And this is a completely subjective contribution, but if you think about it, you will realize that I am right, he he.

- Did you get a lot of reactions on your top five?

- He he, well, the most controversial one here, the one that I should probably like more than I do, this is Leonard Cohen. I got some reactions about him. I'm just trying to be honest about what I like, and I think it is pretty interesting that taste actually is a very irrational thing. I actually like Nick Drake, for example, and I'm also partly enthusiastic about another nylon-guitar-picker like Cornelis Vreeswijk, so this isn't really logical here, I should also like Cohen, actually. And this is what makes this so interesting and impossible, but still fun to discuss!

Images: Some drank and said exactly what they meant. (Photo: Paal Audestad)

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2009/5/10: Geir's top-5-list of overrated bands!