Janove - Mine siste berømte ord | Janove - My last famous words h4> |
Eg har bestemt meg for ikkje å frysa i natt | I've decided not to freeze tonight |
Men det kan bli mine siste berømte ord før det blir kaldt | But those could be my last famous words before it gets cold |
Eg ser et stjerneskudd, så eg ønsker meg ut | I see a shooting star, so I wish to get out |
Men mine ønsker blir aldri oppfylt | But my wishes are never fulfilled |
Eg håper himmelen er oppskrytt | I hope heaven is overrated |
Ville du lagt det du har i din lomme i min hatt? | Would you put what you have in your pocket into my hat? |
Ville du gjort plass til to inni din frakk? | Would you make room for two inside your coat? |
De seier ord, hvis du har de i din makt | They say that words, if you know how to control them |
Kan sette himmel og jord i kontakt | Can make heaven and earth meet |
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Når poeten sine ord ikkje vil rima lenger | When the poet's words don't want to rhyme anymore |
Og profeten sine spor går sine egne veier | And the prophet's tracks go their own ways |
Når denne kvelden ikkje er stor nok for oss heller | When this night isn't big enough for us either |
Kva skal me då gjer? | What are we supposed to do then? |
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Ikkje sei det her er alt | Don't say this here is all there is |
At me skal frysa kaldt | That we shall freeze cold |
Eg vil blåsa meir med din vind | I want to drift more in your wind |
Eg vil blåsa med deg over alt | I want to drift with you anywhere |
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Så her står eg som en statue i en park | So here I'm standing like a statue in a park |
Og ser på når fruene slenger sine skjerf om sin hals | And watch the women throw their scarves around their necks |
Koffor må musikken ta slutt | Why does the music have to end |
La han heller spela ut | Let it rather play to the end |
Ladidadida | Ladidadida |
Etter alt han har betydd | After all it meant |
Ville du latt meg setta min fot i dine hender | Would you let me set my foot in your hands |
For at eg sko komma høgare og enda lenger enn deg? | So I would get higher and even further than you? |
Du vett alt du har gjort, alt du har sagt | You know all you have done, all you have said |
Det drar du med deg | You carry with you |
Du skal dra det med deg | You'll carry it with you |
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Når poeten sine ord ikkje vil rima lenger | When the poet's words don't want to rhyme anymore |
Og profeten sine spor går sine egne veier | And the prophet's tracks go their own ways |
Når denne kvelden ikkje er stor nok for oss heller | When this night isn't big enough for us either |
Kva skal me då gjer? | What are we supposed to do then? |
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Ikkje sei det her er alt | Don't say this here is all there is |
At me skal frysa kaldt | That we shall freeze cold |
Eg vil blåsa meir med din vind | I want to drift more in your wind |
Eg vil blåsa med deg over alt | I want to drift with you anywhere |
Eg har sett det komma seint | It was late that I've seen it coming |
Eg har latt meg bli fortalt | I have let myself be told |
At du finner aldri heim igjen | That you'll never find your way back home |
Når stjernene står skjeivt | When the stars are misaligned |
Så ikkje sei det her er alt | So don't say this here is all there is |