You can listen to that version here.
En for orgelet, en for meg | One for the organ, one for me |
Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klang | I sit down and pump to get the right sound |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |
Eg har dratt ut ledningen av min telefon | I have pulled the cord of my telephone |
Ingen ringer lenger inn, ingen ringer lenger ut | No one can ring in now, no one can ring out |
Og er eg i tvil, kaster eg mynt eller kron | And if I'm in doubt, I toss heads or tails |
Eg har aldri fått svar ifrå mitt Jesusikon | I've never gotten an answer from my Jesus icon |
Eg sko likt og vært kun han og meg i et rom | I would like to have just him and me in one room |
Tanken blir dobbelt så stor om me hadde vært to | The thought gets twice as big if we'd be two |
Og en ting er om han hadde syns synd på meg | And one thing is if he'd feel sorry for me |
Eg sko spurt han tvert om om han syns synd på seg | On the contrary I should have asked him if he feels sorry for himself |
Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klang | I sit down and pump to get the right sound |
Dagen er for kort og nåttå er for lang | The day is too short and the night is too long |
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystall | So I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |
Og eg kan ikkje bretta opp kjolen, det får bli en annen sang | And I can't roll up my dress, that would be another song |
For ein: Eg har ikkje skjorta. Og to: Eg er ikkje mann | Because one: I don't have a shirt. And two: I'm not a man. |
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystall | So I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |
Stampfender Groove, tanzende Wut | Stomping groove, dancing rage |
Wandel die Glut in samtene Moves auf den anderen Fuß | Convert the embers into velvet moves for the other foot |
Und der Beelzebub ruft, er fordert zum Tanz auf | And the Beelzebub calls out, he asks for the next dance |
Während all dem spielt die gute alte Orgel ganz laut | And at the same time, the good old organ is playing loud |
Stampf diesen Takt ein, stampf mit dein' Chucks rein | Stomp this beat, stomp it in with your Chucks |
Ob Street-Punk, Weed-Junk, in der Bank angestellt sein | No matter if street punk, weed junkie, teller in a bank |
Stampf diesen Takt ein, stampf diese Wand ein | Stomp this beat, tear down this wall |
Dann dampf dein Weed an, lass uns wie Pack sein | Then light up your weed, let us be like vermin |
Lass die Idioten sich wegen Farben am Block töten | Let the idiots kill themselves because of colors on the block |
Lieber paar ganz liebe Schwaben mit ihren Blockflöten | I prefer a few nice Swabians with their fipple flutes |
Ordnung ist das halbe Leben, Chaos ist die halbe Party | Order is half the live, chaos is half the party |
Ich guck in den Spiegel und seh mehrfach Dr. Caligari | I look into the mirror and see Dr. Caligari a few times |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |
Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klang | I sit down and pump to get the right sound |
Dagen er for kort og nåttå er for lang | The day is too short and the night is too long |
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystall | So I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |
Og eg kan ikkje bretta opp kjolen, det får bli en annen sang | And I can't roll up my dress, that would be another song |
For ein: Eg har ikkje skjorta. Og to: Eg er ikkje mann | Because one: I don't have a shirt. And two: I'm not a man. |
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystall | So I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |