You can listen to that version here.

En for orgelet, en for meg

One for the organ, one for me

Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klangI sit down and pump to get the right sound
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me
Eg har dratt ut ledningen av min telefonI have pulled the cord of my telephone
Ingen ringer lenger inn, ingen ringer lenger utNo one can ring in now, no one can ring out
Og er eg i tvil, kaster eg mynt eller kronAnd if I'm in doubt, I toss heads or tails
Eg har aldri fått svar ifrå mitt JesusikonI've never gotten an answer from my Jesus icon
Eg sko likt og vært kun han og meg i et romI would like to have just him and me in one room
Tanken blir dobbelt så stor om me hadde vært toThe thought gets twice as big if we'd be two
Og en ting er om han hadde syns synd på megAnd one thing is if he'd feel sorry for me
Eg sko spurt han tvert om om han syns synd på segOn the contrary I should have asked him if he feels sorry for himself
Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klangI sit down and pump to get the right sound
Dagen er for kort og nåttå er for langThe day is too short and the night is too long
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystallSo I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me
Og eg kan ikkje bretta opp kjolen, det får bli en annen sangAnd I can't roll up my dress, that would be another song
For ein: Eg har ikkje skjorta. Og to: Eg er ikkje mannBecause one: I don't have a shirt. And two: I'm not a man.
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystallSo I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me
Stampfender Groove, tanzende WutStomping groove, dancing rage
Wandel die Glut in samtene Moves auf den anderen FußConvert the embers into velvet moves for the other foot
Und der Beelzebub ruft, er fordert zum Tanz aufAnd the Beelzebub calls out, he asks for the next dance
Während all dem spielt die gute alte Orgel ganz lautAnd at the same time, the good old organ is playing loud
Stampf diesen Takt ein, stampf mit dein' Chucks reinStomp this beat, stomp it in with your Chucks
Ob Street-Punk, Weed-Junk, in der Bank angestellt seinNo matter if street punk, weed junkie, teller in a bank
Stampf diesen Takt ein, stampf diese Wand einStomp this beat, tear down this wall
Dann dampf dein Weed an, lass uns wie Pack seinThen light up your weed, let us be like vermin
Lass die Idioten sich wegen Farben am Block tötenLet the idiots kill themselves because of colors on the block
Lieber paar ganz liebe Schwaben mit ihren BlockflötenI prefer a few nice Swabians with their fipple flutes
Ordnung ist das halbe Leben, Chaos ist die halbe PartyOrder is half the live, chaos is half the party
Ich guck in den Spiegel und seh mehrfach Dr. CaligariI look into the mirror and see Dr. Caligari a few times
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me
Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klangI sit down and pump to get the right sound
Dagen er for kort og nåttå er for langThe day is too short and the night is too long
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystallSo I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me
Og eg kan ikkje bretta opp kjolen, det får bli en annen sangAnd I can't roll up my dress, that would be another song
For ein: Eg har ikkje skjorta. Og to: Eg er ikkje mannBecause one: I don't have a shirt. And two: I'm not a man.
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystallSo I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses
En for orgelet og en for megOne for the organ and one for me

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Konzertjunkie onTwitter: kaizers_kj
En for orgelet, en for meg feat. Prinz Pi