The rules are simple - listen to it, write it down, translate it, don't correct anything. Sorry if I should step on somebody's toes, I hope that I can revise everything that is negative until the final review. =;-)
After listening to each 30 second clipping exactly twice
After listening to each song exactly once
After one and a half weeks
KGBA very nice and rocky song, probably even better live than on the record. And by now I know what song the beginning reminds me of - Xutos & Pontapés with Barcos Gregos from the record "Nesta Cidade" (now, did anybody want to know that? no? well, who cares... *g*). But the only common thing of the songs is the deep sax at the beginning, nothing else. =;-)
Not better and not worse than earlier on...
Knekker Deg Til Sist
Cool! Lot of pop in there, I see why it's gonna be the next single... =:-/ This doesn't do any harm however, the song is great. I think the lyrics are pretty hard and brutal, but this fits the song.
Señor Flamingos Adieu
Nice. Too short. =;-)
Blitzregn Baby
Awesome, I love the song. It doesn't sound like Kaizers at all, but just like ROCK. And this is great. As long as they don't do a whole record like this... or maybe... *g* I don't get the lyrics, but that doesn't matter. =;-)
Dieter Meyers Inst.
Great, great, great! It took a while for me to like it, but now I'm totally amazed by this song. And at the beginning, I can understand every word just by listening, wow! And at the end you can hear the madness, that's the way it's gotta be. And I'm sure it's gonna be awesome live also!
Still niiiiiiiiiice! The melody and the backing and the lyrics and everything, I just loooooove this song! Even though it is very very simple, you couldn't do much less in a song. But if the little there is is an awesome melody and a great atmosphere, this is more than enough...
OK, that was mean... of course the song sounds different on the record than it did live. If I had heard it on the record first and then live afterwards, I would have loved it first and then dropped down dead lateron... *g* The other way around it was a little stupid. The guitar in the beginning is just too slow, but it's played perfectly, of course. And I LOVE the bubbling sound at the end. Totally crazy and useless... *rofl*
Jævel Av En Tango
Terribly catchy, if you listen to it, you don't get rid of it any more. And it's also very nice in a way, if you look at it objectively. But anyway the song is none of my favorites (yet?). And the lyrics are so... weird. Some lines are awesome, others are just terrible. I hate this "... parfymen Mango, og spilte banjo". *argh* If they can't come up with decent rhymes for tango, they should have made it into a polka or something... Anyway, somehow the song is great... oh well, I don't know. *g*
Papa Har Lov
Another song where I can't really say if I like it or not. My brain says that the song is totally stupid. My gut always screams: "Once again!" as soon as the song is finished. And yesterday the line "skal eg renske ditt navn må eg har penger" went through my head all day, and I didn't mind at all. "Hurz!" is still very irritating for me though... =;-) And okay, of course the "old-fashioned" sound is just the way they wanted it, but I think it's a little too much, at least at the beginning.
Auksjon (i Dieter Meyers Hall)
Rooooooock! Awesome. It also took some time to get to me, and I still don't like the squeaky chorus, but the rest makes up for everything. Did I already say this song is awesome? *g* I want to see that live right now!
På Ditt Skift
Still perfect. I still love it, and it doesn't get worse on the 789th run either... but the other songs are catching up... =;-)