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Janove - Synd at synd går i arv

Janove - Shame that sin is inherited

Synd at synd går i arvShame that sin is inherited
Også så tett, me går arm i armAnd so closely, we go arm in arm
Er det ingen som kan slå alarmIs there no one who can sound the alarm
Og sette en strek og sei bare slettAnd draw a line and say just erase
Alt som er påført av vrede og harmlatEverything that is inflicted by anger and resentment
Sånn at ikkje eg, men i hvertfall mitt barnSo that not me, but at least my child
Går fri frå sin far synd og hans far før detGoes free from his father's sins and his father's before that
Ikkje for å virke så veldig prektigNot to seem so very magnificent
Alt eg har gjort er heller ikkje riktigNot everything I have done is right either
Eg seier bare handling sko det ikkje gått slekt iI'm just saying deeds should not run in the family
Koffor skal døtre og sønner ha ansvar for det?Why should daughters and sons have responsibility for that?
La de gå fri frå sin fars synd og hans far før detLet them go free from their father's sins and his father's before
Sko me latt de gå fri - I heinzeitShould we let them go free - In hindsight
Sko me latt de gå fri - I heinzeitShould we let them go free - In hindsight
Sko me latt de gå fri fråShould we let them go free from
Sin fars synd og hans far før detTheir father's sins and his father's before
Synd at synd går i arvShame that sin is inherited
Uansett kor uskyldige barnRegardless how innocent children are
Uforbeholdent og uansett sjarmUnreserved and regardless of charm
Går de til grunne under en fremmeds armThey perish under the arm of a stranger
Sjøl om hans fang er varmtEven though his lap is warm
Ville eg tusen gonger heller vært hanWould I a thousand times rather be him
Som går fri frå sin fars synd og hans far før detThat goes free from his father sins and his father's before
Ikkje for å virke så veldig prektigNot to seem so very magnificent
Alt eg har gjort er heller ikkje riktigNot everything I have done is right either
Eg seier bare handling sko det ikkje gått slekt iI'm just saying deeds should not run in the family
Koffor skal døtre og sønner ha ansvar for det?Why should daughters and sons have responsibility for that?
La de gå fri frå sin fars synd og hans far før detLet them go free from their father's sins and his father's before
Sko me latt de gå fri - I heinzeitShould we let them go free - In hindsight
Sko me latt de gå fri - I heinzeitShould we let them go free - In hindsight
Sko me latt de gå fri fråShould we let them go free from
Sin fars synd og hans far før detTheir father's sins and his father's before

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Janove - Synd at synd går i arv