In the booklet of the records, Kaizers Orchestra did not only include the lyrics for Violeta Violeta, but also some explanations about each song. These explanations describe how the song fits into the whole Violeta story. Here you can find the translations of these explanations. I tried to put them in the order the songs actually appear in the story. However, since the songs are only part of the story, this is just a rough guess. Other orders would also be possible.

A huge thank you to Dagmar for providing the major part of the Vol. I translations, and to for the German translations of the Vol. II explanations!

Philemon Arthur & The Dung (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

Beatrice raises her daughter Violeta and transfers her life's wisdom to her: All that you can dream can also happen. You don't have to accept all limits that you meet in life, but you should rather search for new openings and opportunities, and be guided by your heart. Beatrice has qualities and talents surpassing those of ordinary men, and she's sure that her daughter inherited these special qualities. And so she wants to help her use her talents instead of fearing and suppressing them, like the father Kenneth wants her to. He kidnapped his own daughter and is on the run with her in the wide world, just to avoid Violeta becoming like her mother. Beatrice is balancing between being mentally sound and ill. She's hallucinating, and sometimes she thinks that she hears someone ringing at the door. She knows that's not real, but nevertheless she's asking: Is it you? Come in and get yourself some coffee...

I ett med verden (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

Here we get a glimpse of what is simmering inside Kenneth's head at the time when everything peaks, and he decides to escape from his crazy wife and take his daughter with him. All the strange things that are happening around him boil down to one simple conclusion: Get away! After a long period of planning, a period where everything is apparently hunky dory, as if nothing had happened or would happen, the time is finally right to carry out the plan - and take ONE with him ...

Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

After 14 years together, Kenneth runs away from his wife, together with his daughter Violeta. She's seven years old when they flee. He cannot stand Beatrice's demanding and eccentric life-style anymore, and he hides in the world by remaining in movement all the time. Beatrice is left behind in a paralysed state, unable to take action, alone in the big house. Apparently she develops a psychotic behavior marked by compulsive acts. She's grieving, and she fills up a bucket with tears every year, but after seven years she's empty. She doesn't see any way out but to take her life. She puts a stick of dynamite underneath her chair and lights the fuse. In the time it takes for the fuse to burn, Beatrice gets into contact with Violeta in a dream. She decides there and then to go out into the world and bring her daughter back - and take revenge on the father. At the last second, she throws the stick of dynamite out of the window, while she runs for the door. Seven years of sorrow save her when her wedding dress catches fire in the explosion. She douses the flames by emptying the buckets of tears on herself. It's the calm before the storm. The rain is applauding on the roof tiles, and the band is playing in minor key in the back streets. Something is on the way. It's the mood for revenge. The pigeons on the roof have never been so quiet. Nature reacts. Huge powers are in motion...

Femtakt filosofi (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

Beatrice is vagrantly wandering about in her tumble-down house, and she's talking to herself and to all the demons she is fighting in her head. As usual, she is clad in her old wedding dress, smelling of gasoline and vodka, with a cigarette in the corner of her mouth. She also went through a hard school with all her thoughts. She's been in an existential crisis ever since Kenneth ran aways with Violeta, and Beatrice has been incapable of action and unable to get a grip on her life, and she now developed a twisted and different philosophy of life. A five-four-time philosophy. After the explosion (Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice), she actually sees all the links clearly again. The experiences are amplified like in a natural psychadelic ecstacy. The boundaries between dream, fantasy, and reality are blurred. She praises all the beautiful things that her talents can give, and she mocks Kenneth, who is a realist and doesn't believe in other energies than those that can be measured. She rants about creativity, dreams, and the power of thoughts, and she asks rhetorically if these things aren't real as well? She threatens that those who cannot manage to imagine the alternative must obviously be dead. She reminds Kenneth that even though he was naturally born, this doesn't mean that he gets a natural death...

En for orgelet, en for meg (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

Every night, Beatrice is sitting up in the attic, wearing her old wedding dress, drinking vodka while playing the pump organ and smoking cigarettes. She enters a kind of psyched up trance. The organ and the vodka fill up the attic with something that she experiences like a religious force. She goes into a state of intoxicated fantasy, or foresight, where she hears her daughter's voice, among other things. She continues drinking until the demons come out, and she shoots a bigger and bigger hole into the ceiling with her shotgun. In the end, she marries her own demons, under the hole in the roof, and looks up at the starry sky of lead that she shot by herself. She is one with the divine, and she's in the center of her own cosmos. She is her own Maker. She is not sick, but she isn't healthy either...

Psycho under min hatt (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

Beatrice is on fire, almost obsessed, after she took the decision to take up the fight and find Kenneth and Violeta. She's in full swing mocking and scolding her ex, Kenneth. She is on top of her own talents and feels great and powerful. She thinks that Kenneth is a poor man with miniature fantasies. She explains what she plans to do with him when she finds him. All the time, he claimed that she is sick and needs medicine. But she doesn't see it this way. She is healthy, but she possesses special talents. That's not a problem. It's fantastic. And she believes that her daughter is like her. Beatrice wants to take crude revenge on Kenneth for having kidnapped Violeta. And to rub it in, she plans to wear the partly burnt wedding dress on the day she finds him. She rhetorically asks if Kenneth really thinks that the two of them were ever good together? Her highest wish of getting a daughter is fulfilled. He cannot give her anymore what she already has...

Hjerteknuser (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

Father and daughter live a vagrant life with lots of travels to all continents. They have a good relationship, but the father always tries to impress it on Violeta that she is just like him. That they are like two drops of water, indistinguishable. But Violeta realizes that she is actually more like her mother. Episodes from the childhood begin to dawn on Violeta. She starts to break the codes and understand step by step that her mother has put out tracks and hints in things that lie hidden in dreams that the mother has planted outside of the old house. Violeta tests her talents and tries to make contact with her mother by sending her her thoughts. This is just what Beatrice has been waiting for; an opening from Violeta's side. Now they can finally communicate. She understands that she must run from her father, find back to the old childhood home, and pick her mother's dreams before they can be reunited. She just needs to find the right opportunity to get away. Both are waiting for the day when they are out for a walk, and the mother will lean down and Violeta will get up on tiptoes, so that the can hug again...

Aldri vodka, Violeta (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

Father and daughter are out in the big world after having run from home seven years ago. Life on the run has become everyday life. The two are still getting along pretty well, but Violeta started to ask more questions about the past, the present, and the future. She is now 14 years old and tries to form a clearer picture of who she is, where she comes from, and what awaits her later in her life. She is confused, gets mixed signals, and feels a constantly stronger connection to her mother. At the same time, Kenneth sticks to his version of Beatrice as crazy, and he feeds Violeta with warnings. Like, for instance, that she must never touch the vodka that her mother drank and that ruined her. Kenneth receives a letter that he hides from Violeta, but Violeta is familiar with the content anyway. Kenneth's brother, Corvino, has been released from prison, and now he wants to meet up. Violeta realizes that this has to do with her, that she is involved, but she doesn't fully understand how ...

Diamant til kull (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

Beatrice is out in the world, hunting. She's trying to find her daughter, and she keeps a breathless speed. She's in contact with both the bad and the good powers inside of herself, because she needs both of them to find her daughter. On the one hand, she's encouraged to revel and stop at nothing on her way, whereas on the other hand she's warned to take care and be considerate. The forces she has set in motion are huge, and it's not always equally easily to control them. Beatrice is a fantastically beautiful and special person, who could easily float away into another dimension, but at the same time she wants to restrain herself and balance the ordinary with the extraordinary. She's a diamond steadily wishing to be coal...

Cecilia I. Velur (Box)

Lyrics of the song

Cecilia and Beatrice go way back together. They were childhood friends, grew up together, and at one time, they also fell in love with the same man. Cecilia drew the long straw, Corvino. But it turned out that he had a younger brother, Kenneth, who was also a charming man. They married just as well a brother each. Eventually, they lost contact. Beatrice disappeared more and more into her own eccentric world, and when Corvino suddenly ended up in prison, the relationship cooled down even more. After years of bad conscience and longing for the golden times, Cecilia I. Velur writes this letter to Beatrice ...

Forloveren (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

Beatrice has reversed depression and passivity to passion and vivid drive. She must make up for seven years of inactivity and is eager to put things in place. She visits her old friend and maid of honor, Cecilia I. Velur, who introduced her to Kenneth back in the time, and confronts her with this "deceit". The devil watches all of this from his place behind the scenes, but then he jumps in to remind Beatrice that, despite her abilities, she's inferior to him, and that she cannot teach him about lies and betrayal ...

Støv og sand (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

Beatrice has just composed herself after having survived the attempt to blow herself up, and having saved herself from the flames with the help of her seven buckets of tears. She takes up the hunt after father and daughter, who have now been on the run for seven years. Huge forces are at work, she is like a fury, and storms come up wherever she goes. Kenneth is told by Cecilia that Beatrice is on their track, and so he must remain in constant motion and always try to stay a step ahead. Kenneth fears what Beatrice might do with him if she finds them, and hopes that he can tie Violeta so strongly to him that she will stand up against her mother on his behalf if she were suddenly to stand before them, like a devil, in her burnt wedding dress.

Tumor i ditt hjerte (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

Beatrice is cruising the world on a hunt for father and daughter. She feels that Violeta is still alive and tries to make contact with her by a kind of telepathy. She's like a whirlwind, and she herself is the center of a cloud of dust and sand. She instructs Violeta to find the place where they played together and planted dreams when she was little. Because these dreams hold the insight to who she actually is, and the key to how the two of them can be reunited. How can they live happily for the rest of their days: in life, in death, or in a dream? Beatrice wants Violeta to go into her mother's dreams and, through the dreams, see what she has gone through and who she really is. Mother and daughter don't meet physically, but they keep contact on a dream level. In this way, they become one. The past and the future dawn and become clearer for Violeta, but there is still a lot that she must experience by herself. The times they once shared were magical, and both of them are looking forward to meeting again in the future. But until this happens, Violeta is asked to dream on, so that they can keep on meeting there...

Far til datter (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

There is a psychological power struggle between father and daughter. She rattles off doomsday prophecies to her father, while her father complains about his daughter's growing independence. Not only that her personality grows more and more like her mother's, but as she gets older, it also shines through that she has inherited her mother's facial features, and for him, one such smile is enough ...

Gresk komedie (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

When Kenneth was 17, he and his three years older brother committed a robbery together. The robbery went according to plan, everything seemed to end happily for the brothers, when one day, the police suddenly barged in and arrested the big brother. It turned out that Kenneth had yielded to the temptation to brag about the accomplishments to buddies during one of his frequent bar rounds, which reached the police's ears. The investigators had no other specific traces to go by, and therefore they promised Kenneth full immunity if he 1. ratted on his brother 2. promised to stop drinking vodka 3. never ever met his brother again. In the end, young Kenneth succumbed to the pressure and told on his brother, who, in turn, went to jail and was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment. Naturally enough, Kenneth was full of remorse for this, and kept secret contact with his brother through his brother's girlfriend Cecilia, who eventually introduced Kenneth to his girlfriend, Beatrice ...

When his brother many years later hears about Kenneth's disappearance and Violeta's increasing abilities, he starts to come up with a plan for the next coup, together with his brother; to sell Violeta on the market in Lahore, Pakistan, where he knows they will get a great price for a person with such abilities. Kenneth agrees to the proposal, because he owes his brother a favor, but also because his daughter is becoming more and more like her mother ... So now the brothers are reunited, with a big plan on their hands. All the bad is forgiven and forgotten. It was sad before, now we can laugh!

Markedet bestemmer (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

Together with Violeta, the brothers Kenneth and Corvino are headed for Lahore, Pakistan, and the market there, which is known for selling everything from truffles to eternal youth and yellow and green smaragd. One person swears that he has seen three-headed dogs there. Corvino has contacts in the market that will pay a whole lot of money for a young girl with the kind of abilities that Violeta possesses. Kenneth has really been in doubt. He feels that he is in big debt to his brother, after having ratted on him and generally having let him down that time, many years ago, so that he doesn't have a choice. Violeta has started to take more and more after her mother anyway, and when she smiles, he sees her mother instead. Kenneth has started to lose control over her. Violeta, on the other hand, has gotten her mother's ring from Corvino. With the ring on her finger, her dreams are clearer and her visions more explicit. She notices that first and foremost, she has been the victim of manipulation by her father, not love. It dawns on her that the emptiness she has been feeling is actually the longing for her mother ...

Silver (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

Kenneth and his brother adorn themselves with beautiful Violeta. She captures all the attention and they hide behind that. It's a delight. Kenneth is intoxicated with pride and convinced that this plan is as airtight as the one that he and his brother performed 14 years ago was. But does he actually have full insight into what his brother's plan is all about? And why doesn't Violeta wear the precious ring that she got from her parents anymore? Was it really taken by a raven, as she claims?

Domino (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

The same power and influence that Kenneth's big brother had over him when they were younger is revived after the brothers' reunion. Kenneth is now totally committed to his dominant brother; he's happily reunited, and he convinced himself that all the bad things are history and that the wound he inflicted on their relationship through his betrayal 14 years ago is now healed and forgotten. He feels that he's finally complete again, and that he's finally the owner of the enormous power again that togetherness ideally can generate.

Faen i båten (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

It's boiling in Kenneth's head when he thinks about what position he brought himself into. He married the wrong woman, had a child with the wrong woman, kidnapped the child, and is now living on the run with a devil on his heels. And in addition, he basically plans outright human trafficking in Lahore with his criminal and gifted brother. Life has taken some strange twists for Kenneth. He is pretty stressed out, but still highly motivated and sharpened. To keep the fire burning, he constantly proclaims to himself that: If you took the devil on board, your job is to row him ashore ...

Svarte katter & flosshatter (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

After seven years on the run, Kenneth realizes that his worst fear has come true; Violeta has become like her mother - and it has happened sooner than he had hoped. Her smile is identical to her mother's now. More and more often she surprises her father by pulling one new idea after another out of her hat. The black cats of the town slink around, and flock about her. Kenneth must hurry to get rid of her, before it is too late. They have traveled around the world and ended up in Singapore, where they meet Kenneth's brother, with whom he has sinister intentions. The plan was to get rid of his daughter, sell her on the black market, and get a good price because of her supernatural abilities. But they acted too late. Violeta mocks her father and his brother, who couldn't see it coming. She runs away, headed for her childhood home. But her father's brother is right on her heels. It turns out there is more to his quite ordinary appearance than Violeta would guess...

Tusen dråper regn (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

Violeta runs from her father and brother one full moon night in Singapore. She is 14 years now and has finally managed to develop her abilities enough to make contact with her mother through dreams and thoughts. They agree to meet outside of the highest skyscraper in Tokyo at a given time. But before she gets there, she must shake off the shadow that races after her. It cannot be her father, because he cannot keep up with her. It must be his brother, who is capable of withstanding Violeta's obstacles. She moves heaven and earth and manages to make it rain so hard that he drowns. At least that's what she thinks ...

Begravelsespolka (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

The devil interrupts the story and speaks up. He emerges from the scenes and reveals himself to Violeta, because he considers it necessary. Yes, he exists, and therefore there is no point in either believing or doubting that anymore. Instead, one should rather start realizing a few things, right away. The Devil is offended by Beatrice, who is treading her own paths, choosing her own destiny, and thus defying his auspices. He tried to get through to her, but gets no response, so therefore he tries to go through Violeta instead, as a last resort. He asks her to tell her mother that she must start to comply. This is his show. If you don't obey the Devil, it might easily happen that your last hour is preponed ...

Din kjole lukter bensin, mor (Vol. I)

Lyrics of the song

Violeta is back in the place where she and her mother used to plant flowers when she was little. She ran away from her father and found her way back to her old childhood home, which is now empty and abandoned. Her mother is out in the world, looking for her. She picks her mother's dreams until she has a large bouquet. By taking in her mother's thoughts, dreams and nightmares, Violeta gets to see how her mother has been grieving and shedding tears for seven years, upstairs in the attic. She gets to witness her own mother's decay. How she turned skinny and pale, with the cigarettes, the vodka, and wearing her partly burned wedding dress. Violeta dreams about meeting her mother again, but is unsure of how that is going to be. They are both seven years older now. She romanticizes her mother's eccentric features, and outlines ten things that she feels they would have to do to get reacquainted. A dress and red wine she doesn't mind. Sulfur and gasoline, on the other hand...

Drøm videre, Violeta (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

Violeta remembers more and more of the past and has started to see through her father's one-sided propaganda against her mother. She also understands that she has an own extraordinary power, and has started to put her full potential into effect. She is drawn towards her mother, and the association between the two is strengthened every day. After seven years on the run, Violeta is ready. She flees from her father and his brother in Singapore, manages to shake them off, and finds her way back to her childhood home. There, she picks all her mother's thoughts and dreams. This is when she understands that she will meet her mother for the first time in seven years. She's a big girl now. Her mother promises her a life like no other. And when she has thawed the last bucket of ice, she understands what her mother wants and that they have been closer than she first thought. Violeta does like her mother told her in her dreams and travels right to the highest skyscraper in Tokyo ...

Tvilling (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

"When Violeta was born, Beatrice was pregnant with twins. One of the girls was stillborn. Violeta was never told that she had a twin, nevertheless, she has always felt related to a mirror image of herself. A person who is just like her, but who has her own life. Violeta and her twin have grown up on each their own side of life. One has a physical life, while the other has a non-palpable. Or, as Kenneth calls it, "a polaroid life". What Violeta believed to be a reflection of herself turns out to be contact, despite the barriers, between the two. When Violeta confronts her mother with the question if her twin really exists, she gets a counter question as answer. How do you define "real"? The question and the answer change and give different results, depending on when the question is asked ...

Satan i halsen (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

Violeta has fled from the brothers and found back to the house where they once lived. When she enters the house, she is bombarded with impressions and old memories, and she sees the former family life and her mother's life out in the world, passing by in a chaotic cabaret inside her own head. The Devil emerges out of the scenes and lures her with the only thing her father always insisted so strongly on that she must never try, namely the vodka that is standing on the organ, upstairs in the attic. The devil is a charmer, her father has been a manipulator and liar, so why not try to wet the lips with a few of the shiny drops ...

Siste dans (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

The devil took special interest in Beatrice and Violeta. He realizes that they are not like usual people, and he is both fascinated and frightened by the fact that they possess qualities that he himself, until now, has had the monopoly on. He thought he had Beatrice under control, because he was the one who gave her a gentle push into life so that she should take up the hunt for her husband and daughter. He feels that they have a bond of trust where he is the superior. However, she turns out to be hard to steer, so he changes strategy and starts to dance up on Violeta, to reach Beatrice. To her, he appears as a life-affirming charmer who encourages Violeta to live life and seize the opportunities it offers. He caters to her and baits her with lovers in Paradise if she dolls up with braids like the girls in Paris ...

Det polaroide liv (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

Kenneth had a vision. In the middle of the day, he saw what he surely believes is Violeta's ghost, thus a dead Violeta. A frightening and disturbing vision. He has nothing but contempt and skepticism for any kind of superstition and supernatural phenomena. He does not believe in any of that, but at the same time, he has seen impossible and unexplainable things, both with Beatrice and Violeta. He gets frustrated and stressed, and he wonders if he's about to get crazy, or if it is just Beatrice who is fucking with his head. Therefore, he subjects her to harassment and rude accusations. As he puts it: "I've never seen you shed a tear for me, or for us. What have you done for us?"

Den romantiske tragedien (Vol. II)

Lyrics of the song

Violeta is reunited with her mother. Father and brother are left at a safe distance. Beatrice promises a better life after death, but that's only if you want it. It will be fabulously great only if Violeta herself decides to jump off the skyscraper from the 1000th floor and down to the ground. Violeta has always wanted to be like her mother when she grows up. She leans out and joins her mother, hand in hand in the air, towards eternity and asks: Do you think that I have grown up now, mom ...?

Perfekt i en drøm (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

Mother and daughter have floated, hand in hand, down from a thousand-story building in Tokyo. They never hit the ground, but disappear in a flash and finally reunite with the twin, the other Violeta, who led a parallel life on the other side. She is picked up through a window and steps out on a long branch and sits down in a huge top hat together with her mother and Violeta. Here she presents the other side. They get a thousand wishes fulfilled, and everything falls into place. All the stars are in the right position, because everything is perfect in a dream ...

Stjerner i posisjon (Box)

Lyrics of the song

The moment of death. When the constellation of the stars is exactly as predetermined and the fate turns out to be impossible to manipulate. You see your life passing by and realize that everything you've had to go through had a meaning. You have grown, particularly from those unpleasant experiences. It's a euphoric, intensely pleasant experience to see that the world stops and stands perfectly still, while you never stop moving. This is your time, it's your space. This here is your place, that's your point. You're a star in the right position yourself now ...

Sekskløver (Vol. III)

Lyrics of the song

The song of fate. Mother and daughter, brother and maid of honor, father and Devil summarize. They were all pawns in a game. They all realize what their places are on both sides of life, and they sum up their fate. Nothing could have changed the hands of time. It ended as it was always meant to end. The first verse is sung by the maid of honor and the brother. It was always these two. The second verse is sung by the father and the Devil. It was always these two. The last verse is sung by the mother, Violeta, and Violeta. It was always these three ...

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The story behind Violeta, Violeta